How tall am I?

Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new to MFP, but have spent my entire life struggling with my weight. This is the first time I am seeing some success and I'm so excited! My question seems silly, but after a recent back surgery, I've lost some height and will likely continue to shrink. I started at 6'0", and am now 5'11" on a good day, and about 5'10" when my back knots up. I will be having several more back surgeries, and have been informed that my height will continue to decline with each surgery. For the purposes of calculating my BMI, should I be using my original height, or my new height?

While the shrinking is not ideal, at least I'm finally shorter than my husband!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I'm going to say you should say your new height.

    My mom had back surgery a few years ago and lost an inch. What type of back surgery are you having that is going to make you continually lose height, if I may ask? I hope your future surgeries go well!
  • sbatz111
    sbatz111 Posts: 35
    So far I've had a microdiscectomy, and am soon up for another one, 2 fusions and a replacement. I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis caused by some nasty arthritis. Between my job (critical care nurse) and my genetics, my back isn't in a happy place right now. :)

    "They" tell me the weight loss will help, but it hasn't so far. I at least hope it will keep it from getting worse, and other than my back I do feel better!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Ouch, wow! Your back doesn't sound like it's in a happy place, I'm not sure if weight loss will make it better but it probably will prevent it from getting worse...and it'll be better for your body overall. I wish you the best of luck with your future surgeries!