Looking for buddies who want a dirty challenge!

Looking for some buddies to join me on a 5k obstacle!

Anyone want to run the Rugged Maniac 5 k Obstacle in GA this AUG the 17th in ATL ??? It will be dirty and fun ! :) Need a partner(s) please!



  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    This looks amazing but I'm afraid I won't be in good enough shape for something like this.
    There's another one happening soon that some co-workers are doing but again I just don't think I'm ready.

    Have you ever done one of these before?
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    WOW.. looks like a bucket list item for me. Good luck in finding a partner...
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    C'mon yall1 This is a good bucket list way to go about getting fit and healthy with crazy exercises! And you can meet you MFP friends !