FACEPALM "Non-GMO" Himalania Sea Salt

OMG I just found this article: http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/blogs/facepalm-of-the-week-non-gmo-salt

"Facepalm of the week: Non-GMO salt!?
From the people who brought you sand-free peanut butter comes non-genetically modified rock salt.
Tue, May 14 2013 at 7:33 AM

Related Topics:
Funny, GMO, Health & Well Being

Photo: Brandon Grasley/Flickr
Someone in the marketing department over at Himalania got a little over-exuberant about pointing out the benefits of their pink sea salt when they included a big fat "Non-GMO Project" icon on their label.

Salt is not living. Salt cannot, by definition, be genetically modified. There is no G to M because salt is not an O.

This makes both Himalania and the Non-GMO Project look pretty bad. Himalania could reasonably be accused of deceitful marketing here while the Non-GMO Project appears to have very, very lax standards on how their label is used.

Thanks to my friend Jes for taking the picture in the store and sharing it.

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