McCans Irish Oatmeal - Steel Cut Oats



  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    I'll make a batch (4 servings) on the weekend and then reheat during the week. My method (from Cook's Illustrated) is a little time consuming, but the result is terrific (creamy and chewy at the same time).

    Makes 4 servings:

    1 c. steel-cut oats
    3 c. water
    1 c. whole milk
    1/2 Tbsp. butter
    1/4 tsp. salt

    In saucepan, bring water and milk to gentle simmer over medium heat. Meanwhile, in small pan, melt butter over medium low heat. Add oats to butter and toast oats, stirring frequently, until oats start to give off nutty/butterscotchy aroma (about 3-5 minutes). Add toasted oats to simmering water/milk, stir a few times, and cook without stirring at low simmer for 20 minutes, until it has the consistency of gravy. Add salt and stir gently. Cook for an additional 7 to 10 minutes, stirring gently every now and then, until it has the consistency of pudding. Remove from heat, cover, and let sit 5 minutes. Serve.

    ETA: I keep it simple on toppings: Brown sugar & cinnamon, or dried cherries, maple syrup and cinnamon.
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    i have been making a pot on Sunday and then put them in containers and then i can grab and go each morning! bring the water to a boil, add the steel cut oats w/ a little salt and then let simmer till the water is soaked up. i then transfer to my containers and add unsweetened almond milk, vanilla protein powder, vanilla and a packet of stevia, tablespoon of chia seeds and sometimes i will add plain greek yogurt and then put them in the fridge and grab and go. some times in the morning i will add blueberries, almonds, pumpkin seeds, banana and/or peanut butter. whatever you like. i eat mine cold but i'm sure you can warm them up in the microwave. so easy and so quick!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    How do you guys eat these? They're different than regular oatmeal, and until now I've always done the instant quaker packets. I just bought these to give them a try. I tried THREE times and finally got them the third time on the stove top without making a huge mess (I had to clean out my microwave twice because I obviously do not own a large enough microwave safe bowl), and mixed in 1/2 c of blueberries and 1 tbsp peanut butter - It was okay, but there's definitely room for improvement.

    What do you guys add to steel cut oats that I can try? Maybe I just need to get used to oat not being as sweet as the sugary Quaker packets. I don't really want to add sugar, because if I'm adding sugar I may as well stick to the Quaker packets, right?

    first...they are exactly the same as the other oatmeal only they aren't processed and smashed and ruined. They are essentially raw oats that have been cut in half with a steel cutting wheel. That's it.

    How I make them. Get a a pan and boil water. Add the quantity of oats you want. cover Continue to boil oats for 3-5 min. Turn stove off.
    Go to sleep
    Wake up
    Heat and Eat *Perfect every time