P90X Nutrition Questions

Ok, so I did P90X after having my first child and loved it....I felt so strong, however my transformation wasn't one of those "holy cow" kind of things. Fact is, I didn't have that much weight to lose. Now, after having my second child, I'd like to do it again. I really would like to maximize my results. Once again, the amount I have left to lose is mere vanilty pounds but I want them OFF lol! I've been doing a mix of Jillian dvds and C25K. I have 2 weeks left of C25K and would like to keep my running up in addtion to P90X. I did not follow the nutrtion guide last time around because honestly, it says I need to be eating 2400-2999 calories a day, and that scares the heck out of me. I think that's where my problem lies, not eating enough, but I'm too scared of gaining to try it. Also, keep in mind, when I say gaining, what I mean is gaining body fat. I am very aware that the scale shouldn't be your only way of gauging success. I don't care if I gained 10lbs on the scale as long at I'm getting leaner So here are my questions
1) Those of you who were close to your goal weight and got stuck, how did you finally get the last 10-15 lbs off?
2) P90Xers, did you follow the nutrition plan, what are your thoughts on it and how successful were you?
3) Or do y'all think it'd be best if I just stick to my usual healthy diet of lean meats, veggies, fruit, and whole wheat pasta/brown rice. Rarely eat fast food and rarely eat sweets. And just increase the amount that I'm eating?
4) And a good multivitamin suggestion would be nice if you have one!
Oh also, so y'all don't think I'm insane for having a final goal of 175-185lbs (again, not relying solely on the scale. I'll know it when I get there)....I'm 6'4" tall. That's another reason my calorie level should be so high I guess....I have read a lot about this and I understand it, but am having a hard time overcoming this mental block that says "EAT LESS".

Help! I just want to look really good again, but don't want it to take forever like it did last time around. Seriously took about a year for me to go from 200lbs to 185lbs, and my thights and butt were still not as lean as I wanted them to be. So my goal is at least to reach 185 again, but I want to be a rock solid 185! Any input would be fantastic.Thanks y'all!


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I was afraid as well. So I made a commitment. I knew that adding calories would increase my weight for at LEAST the first two weeks, so I committed to staying off the effin scale for a month.

    After that, each week I added 100 calories to my daily intake (700 calories a week). All told thats 700 the first week, 1400 the 2nd week, 2100 the 3rd week, and 2800 the 4th week. Total calorie increase for the month would be less than 2 lbs.

    Here I was afraid of 'gaining all my weight back' and it wasn't even 2 pounds. Not worth fretting over. Heck, my daily weight fluctuates more than that.

    Of course, it turned out I wasn't a special butterfly like I thought I was. At the end of the month I weighed less than when I started the month and was much happier. Workouts got more intense. Overall health shot up. Etc.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Probably going to start up again on Monday and start building up to the calorie level I should be at like you said. Sooo nervous! Thank you for your response!