Survey, eating exercise cals.



  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    im confused lilMissy -i got a mixed message from your post -you said you eat slightly above what they give you here as a base on exercise days and you close by saying eat back all your exercise cals!(allowing a small bit for inaccuracy)

    i have just done 782 cals on exercise and i only start with a diet base of 1200 for the day so i ramp up about 60pc --its 6-14 and i only have 1 hour left to eat about 700 cals!

    The trouble with that Bluiz you are already being cut down 1000 calories by the system to lose the weight-in theory you should lose double but i summise you dont so you might as well eat close to your allowances
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    im confused lilMissy -i got a mixed message from your post -you said you eat slightly above what they give you here as a base on exercise days and you close by saying eat back all your exercise cals!(allowing a small bit for inaccuracy)

    i have just done 782 cals on exercise and i only start with a diet base of 1200 for the day so i ramp up about 60pc --its 6-14 and i only have 1 hour left to eat about 700 cals!

    Plan better next time. :wink: It takes a while to get the hang of it.

    If I may, lilmissy is explaining that she eats the same amount of calories every day regardless of what exercise she does. That amount, according to her post, is 1500 calories.

    This is a fine approach. In order to do this, you would change your activity level on MFP to however active you are including your exercise (whereas right now, you should have answered that question about your lifestyle EXCLUDING your exercise). Then, you would NOT enter exercise each day (or you could enter the minutes you exercised and enter 0 or 1 calories burned so it doesn't add a whole mess of cals onto your food diary for you to eat). That way, you'd just be eating that same amount of calories. Maybe you only exercise 4 days a week, but if you were doing it this way, you'd eat the same amount those 3 days you did not exercise as you would eat those 4 days you did exercise.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    im confused lilMissy -i got a mixed message from your post -you said you eat slightly above what they give you here as a base on exercise days and you close by saying eat back all your exercise cals!(allowing a small bit for inaccuracy)

    i have just done 782 cals on exercise and i only start with a diet base of 1200 for the day so i ramp up about 60pc --its 6-14 and i only have 1 hour left to eat about 700 cals!

    it's why we stress knowing not only what you should eat for the day, but what (in general) you will be doing for exercise in the day. maybe you don't eat ALL of your exercise calories before hand, but if you are relatively sure you will be working out late in the day, you should plan for that when making food choices.

    That way you don't workout at 6pm and are left with giant amounts of calories to consume right before bed.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I regularly put a hurt on my workouts and my so-called exercise calories.

    MFP already has you at a deficit. You need to eat the "extra" calories to maintain this sensible deficit.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    huh de1amo????

    MFP tells me to eat 1560 in order to have a 500 calorie deficit from 2060 which it says i burn just breathing/living...that is my 1lb weight loss for the week which is my goal??? right???

    so then on the days i exercise i earn between 350-800 calories depending on what i am doing...i exercise 5 times a week so lets just say on average i "earn" 2500 calories a week from exercise....

    that earned 2500 plus the 3500 from the food deficit should realistically give me the 1lb loss i desire plus about .75 more for the exercise overage????

    i know my body needs the fuel, but i dont feel tired and/or weak after my workouts...

    i get what people say about starvation mode and i will pay very close attention to my losses in the next few weeks, but for last week this way worked for me and i'm gonna ride it until it doesnt and then we'll modify the plan...the other way wasnt working and it may have been that i wasnt eating the right kinds of foods but now i am and i feel great...
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    sounds like artistic accountancy to get to the answer that doesnt give you the 'you will be 30kgs at the end of the day' i just let them dribble away and take the wrap on my knuckles!

    İ eat as if i am on a healthy diet in the morning and go to the gym at 3pm a good time after a a good lunch of protein(beans) i completed my gym at 5-30 and i try to stop eating by 7-i5 and to be honest i dont feel at all hungry and i dont eat for the sake of it!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    my bmr is 1700 plus 500 for living -2200 . mfp allows me 1200 on no exercise days which is 1000 reduction--i am fiddling it a bit because i am teacher and constantly moving but say i have a sedantry job. on gym days it just flogs calories i have no hope or want to consume- i am just not hungry and would appreciate them more the next day when i rest. 1000 loss a day x 7 is 7000 so 2lbs per week loss
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    huh de1amo????

    MFP tells me to eat 1560 in order to have a 500 calorie deficit from 2060 which it says i burn just breathing/living...that is my 1lb weight loss for the week which is my goal??? right???

    so then on the days i exercise i earn between 350-800 calories depending on what i am doing...i exercise 5 times a week so lets just say on average i "earn" 2500 calories a week from exercise....

    that earned 2500 plus the 3500 from the food deficit should realistically give me the 1lb loss i desire plus about .75 more for the exercise overage????

    i know my body needs the fuel, but i dont feel tired and/or weak after my workouts...

    i get what people say about starvation mode and i will pay very close attention to my losses in the next few weeks, but for last week this way worked for me and i'm gonna ride it until it doesnt and then we'll modify the plan...the other way wasnt working and it may have been that i wasnt eating the right kinds of foods but now i am and i feel great...

    You're right!

    You're pretty much doing the same thing you'd be doing if you set your goal to lose 1.5# a week and then ate 90-100% of your exercise cals, though. :wink: Except, if you're at a low enough weight, MFP won't set your base cals below 1200 so there could be a small amount of variance based on that that would change your calorie deficit slightly.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am with the previous posters that have reminded us that MFP already puts us in a calorie deficit to begin with. So eating back the exercise calories means we still have our deficit, whereas, if you do not eat back your exercise cals, you risk going into starvation mode. So in my opinion it is important to eat them back.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    im confused lilMissy -i got a mixed message from your post -you said you eat slightly above what they give you here as a base on exercise days and you close by saying eat back all your exercise cals!(allowing a small bit for inaccuracy)

    i have just done 782 cals on exercise and i only start with a diet base of 1200 for the day so i ramp up about 60pc --its 6-14 and i only have 1 hour left to eat about 700 cals!

    The trouble with that Bluiz you are already being cut down 1000 calories by the system to lose the weight-in theory you should lose double but i summise you dont so you might as well eat close to your allowances

    What I said was: on exercise days I eat slightly more than my base AND on non-exercise days I also eat slightly more than my base. I exercise about 3-4 times per week (excluding walking but that's included in my activity level) so I think it evens out in the end... thus I would conclude to eat your exercise cals. I hope that makes sense, basically I'm saying I eat my exercise cals just not necessarily all on the days that I exercise, I spread them over the days that I dont exercise as well.