42 and Frumpy!

Hello all!

I'm 42 years of age a mom who lives in Missouri City, TX. I've joined myfitnesspal last year sometime. First two weeks I was geared up and ready to go! After that, don't know what happend. When I first started I weighed 163 lbs. I'm now 173! I've gained 10lbs when i'm supposed to be going in the negative direction....smh. I'm 5'4" and most people won't believe i'm at this current weight because I "carry it well", is what they say. I don't want to carry it well, I want to be well! I joined a gym two weeks ago, started taking Zumba classes M-W and I took a Body Pump class (weight lifting for women) on Saturday. I'm going this week as well. I'm eating well. Cut out whites (sugar & starches). My goal is to lose at least 30-35lbs before the end of the year is up and I want to do it by eating healthy, exercising and no diet pills or diet scams! If anyone has any tips on how I can stay focused and not lose my way, I've be forever grateful! I'm on a mission to be being a HOT MAMA! :-)

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    I just sent you a request. Feel free to add me as a friend. I started my journey towards a healthier lifestyle last September by gradually replacing old, bad habits with new, good habits. It has been a slow and steady process, but I have met some great people along the way here on MFP. I would love to follow you on your journey. You can do it! :smile:
  • KaiBoogie
    KaiBoogie Posts: 3
    Thank you MoonGypsyQ67! I need all the support I can get to stay on track. I've been doing well with my eating (no sugar, low carbs and healthy snacks throughout the day) and i'm also gettin' my Zumba on 4 days out of the week. I'm hoping to lose and get to my goal weight! Please follow me on my journey as I need the motivation. I don't have that in my circle.

    Thank you again!
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I tried Zumba, I spent the whole time thinking how much better it would be if I were drunk, lol - guessing I only dance well in my own mind :). But I LOVE body pump.

    I'm trying the slow and steady wins the race approach. I'm in a funk the last week, that I'm trying like heck to pull myself out of. I want results and I want them now. . .but I know that any path that leads to quick results will eventually lead to quick regain!

    Just trying to remain focused on creating a healthier happier me, that my body actually learns to automatically make healthier choices it needs instead of turning against me :)
  • matanane73
    matanane73 Posts: 4
    You need to change that 42 and frumpy to 42 and FAB! I just turned 40 and yes it is hard to stay on track. I would do really good for a while then take long breaks (like a year). I am 5'3" and at my heaviest I was at 163. I am just tired of being tired .. no energy. Like zippywood said in her post being in a funk and I've been in one too long. My BFF got me to join myfitnesspal today .. YAY! Thank you BFF! I think food journaling really helped me out. I started that a year ago and it lasted for a few months I lost 30 lbs. Started back up about a month ago but will now continue to log in on this site which I think will definitely help me to stay focused and being able to communicate with others who have the same mind set. I'm starting to get back on the treadmill. So to you 42 and FAB .... keep eating healthy and continue to exercise and log in to this site often if not daily and sooner than you know it you will have reached your goal of HOT MAMA status! Shoot .... thats my goal too!