Fitbit and MFP Dedicated User - Looking for buddies!

Hi All,
Greeting from a very wet and windy South West in the UK. WHEN are we going to get Summer????
Looking for friends on here as it's very lonely on iphone screen with no-one on it!
I am female, 43 years old (gulp, where did that go???), married with 1 son and a huge ginger cat.
Have recently started horse riding again after a 20 + year gap so looking to get 'pony fit' - slim enough not to feel guilty and also saving to buy my own one day (hubby not aware of this last one :) )
I do a range of VLCD and calorie counting - not trying to go over 1200 calories in a day but do have weak moments.... My fitibit is my motivator and as recently as Sunday got my highest ever step count 48k plus doing a charity walk.
But anyway...enough of my yakking. Please consider me a friend!
Julie. xxx


  • duluthian
    duluthian Posts: 69
    You can add me - I am getting back into my fitbit and MFP again, been a bit sporadic on here recently. I am originally from England, but have been in the States for the last 15 yrs. Living up near Duluth Minnesota at the moment. Yeah we are wondering the same about warmer weather, we had snow flurries on Saturday........!!!!