lifting help??

Hey all...I really want to start lifting weights. My husband bought a weight bench for himself and I can honestly say I stare at that thing completely lost! Lol I do NOT know how to get started lifting weights! What do I start with? How long do I do it? How do I make myself progress? Silly questions but I do not know where to begin or how to get started. Any pointers?


  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    For starters, you could ask your husband... he might let you use it and even show you how.

    It's hard to know what equipment you have to work with, but there are probably a lot of different things you could do. Guidelines vary, but you could aim for a few sets of 8-12 repetitions of a particular lift. You'll want it to be heavy enough that the last rep(s) of each set are a challenge, but not so heavy that you can't do more than a few reps. I tend to have the most weight on my first set and take some off for each one after.

    You could measure progress after at least a couple days of rest and then trying the same lift again. Either more reps with the same weight or being able to add more weight is progress. Approach it with the attitude that you want to beat your last time by either reps or weight and you'll keep the progress going. Write down what you've done so you can look back and see the progress.

    There are many, many internet resources. If you want to know about a certain lift, you can google or youtube it to get some pointers on form, etc.

    Good luck!
  • shiningnebula
    Hello. I have just started lifting weights too. I started with Stronglifts 5x5. There is a routine about two thirds of the way down the page which I've been following. I'm in my third week and enjoying it. I've developed a bit of definition in my upper arms and feeling stronger in my core. I'm convinced the squats are helping me with my hill running too so I'm glad I've started. I started the squats with no weight to make sure I was doing it right. I then asked my husband to help me when I added weight as he needs to put the bar on my shoulder and make sure I don't hurt myself :) I'm sure your husband would be over the moon to help you so get him involved too. Enjoy!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I just started lifting myself. I started StrongLifts 5x5 program mostly cuz it seems easy enough to follow. I'm very new to it so needed a program. There's a lot of good videos on Youtube for form check and routines too. I also joined the group on here with lots of other women who lift. So far so good, loved my first workout.

    Here's the link to the StrongLifts group. They also provide an easy to follow summary of the routine that really helped me:

    Good luck.:wink:

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  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Get the book New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5x5. I prefer Starting Strength or Strong Lifts. NROLW has tons of great info but the routines start taking more and more time, getting a bit complicated. The other two are more streamlined and to the point, the focus is on functional strength and big compound moves giving you the biggest bang for your buck.

    Also another great book is The Female Body Breakthrough, it was actually what got me lifting. It is written by Rachel Cosgrove who owns an elite gym in California with her husband Allen, Allen is a co-author of NROLW. Rachel wrote the Female Body Breakthrough a couple years before he helped write NROLW, so NROLW is a bit of a re-hash. All three programs have groups here on MFP with lots of great info, support and starter tips. Good luck!
  • alexsis88
    alexsis88 Posts: 36 Member
    Sweet! Great info guys! I'm gonna look into that link and search YouTube. I want the best that's going to help me achieve the best workout.