A NONJUDGMENTAL question about drinking

mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
Ok, I asked a question on another thread and someone got offended by a comment I made so I'm going to start my own thread. Please understand I'm just curious about something and I'm sincerely not trying to stir up trouble or be judgmental. That said, my question is for those of you who drink. Can you relax or unwind without drinking and what do you get out of getting drunk? That's just something I've always been curioius about.

Please understand this is coming from someone who hasn't drank in over 30 years since I became a Christian. I never drank much before that and have only been drunk twice in my life and both times I don't remember anything.

Can I get some input on this without a lot of controversy? If not, I'll just delete the thread myself. Thanks for anyone who wants to comment on this.


  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    fist of all for me there is a big difference between drinking and getting drunk. a glass of wine with dinner is delicious. a cocktail or two is a mild relaxer, it calms me down from stresses and pressures of the day or even of socializing. Getting drunk is not the reason for me to drink. enjoying the flavor of various alcholic beverages and the mild relaxation benefit is my reason. It frustrates me that I can't have more wine without getting drunk I hate to be drunk and I don't go there anymore but I love the taste of wine. Please be careful assuming that anyone who drinks and enjoys alcohol is just trying to get drunk. :smile:
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I wish you luck in finding answers to your questions, just keep an open mind, that others may find offense to this, as they may personally have a problem, or someone close to them does. People will react on life expierences. I actaully don't drink/don't smoke. I have kids and just don't find it appropriate to have around them. Period. I know you said not to answer if you don't fall into that category... hehe sorry!!!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I've been thinking this one over, as I do drink in varying degrees but often. I think the best answer I can give you is thay while there are certainly other ways to unwind, they do not provide the same type of relief. For example, exercising may in fact provide stress relief, but I do not feel the same after a trip to the gym as after a drink or two. I could have an hour long full body massage and feel like jello (in a good way) afterward, but again, I guess it's just not the same.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    rjadams, thank you for your input. I understand not everyone drinks to get drunk, but I do know people who say they can't wait for the weekend so they can get drunk.

    I don't really care if people want to drink for whatever reason as long as they'r'e responsible. I'm just asking because I'm curious. When I hear people talking about looking forward to getting drunk I always feel like the only two times I've been drunk, I must had done it wrong. :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    to be fair, the other thread was a question about low-cal alcoholic options and it seems inappropriate comment on that thread with a question about why people drink. For many of us, socializing and gathering with friends is closely associated with eating and drinking. Dieting is about learning how to handle living your life without over-doing it in those areas. and maybe it is a problem that drinking alcohol is associated with having a good time, or being on vacation, but that is the reality for most of us.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I think you're over-thinking the situation. It's like asking: can't you celebrate Christmas without presents and still have fun? Some people certainly do and have fun regardless but quite a few people simply enjoy it more with presents, hehe.

    Some people enjoy relaxing and unwinding with a drink more than without. And some people enjoy waking up to a cup of coffee in the morning. :ohwell:
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I second what someone else said. I drink alchol occasionally because it's good. Red wine's are bold and delicious. They have a wonderful aroma and paired with a great steak, it is a treat for my tastebuds......a refresing beer (non alcoholic beer tastes nothing like it), or high quality vodka with a little water and ice ..crazy idea....it's actually a nice tasting beverage!!!...that's the bottom line...same reason I eat chocolate or eat macdonalds every now that even thought it's bad for me..I enjoy the taste...for me....my intention is NEVER to get drunk...maybe when i was a teenager...but as an adult, it's never my intention. What happens is, I don't eat enough, or I get caught up in what's going on and don't pay attention to HOW much I'm drinking...and before I know it...opps...I'm a little tipsy and then by that point my judgement is blurred and I don't see anything wrong with a few more....and then I get drunk and regret it in the morning...hahaha...that's only happened once this year...on my birthday!!! of course...

    When I was a teenager though it was different, peer pressure, being uncomfortable with who I was and feeling socially akward, needing alcohol to loosen me up because i didn't feel comfortable talking to people...well..those were the reasons when I was a kid...but I'm a grown up now and don't NEED to drink.....or WANT to be drunk....if i could take a pill and only enjoy alcohol without being drunk...i'd do it in a heart beat!!!!
  • disnylndprincess
    I'm not a big drinker, but I really enjoy a glass of red wine or a good beer with dinner. Being able to unwind is a nice benefit of course, but there are definitely other ways to do so, at least for me. Yoga is definitely really helpful for that, or taking a walk, or anything physical really. The few times I've been drunk have been unintentional and NOT fun, but I suspect there's a difference between a pleasant drunk and the kind that is scary, out of control, or makes you sick.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Sugar, that's fine. I didn't mean non-drinkers couldn't respond. I just put the question out there for drinkers because they do the drinking. :smile:

    Surlydave, thanks for your input on the subject. Your answer really makes sense to me. Not that I'm going to start drinking but it helps me understand the drinking to relax issue. :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    to be fair, the other thread was a question about low-cal alcoholic options and it seems inappropriate comment on that thread with a question about why people drink. For many of us, socializing and gathering with friends is closely associated with eating and drinking. Dieting is about learning how to handle living your life without over-doing it in those areas. and maybe it is a problem that drinking alcohol is associated with having a good time, or being on vacation, but that is the reality for most of us.

    I agree with this that learning this new lifestyle for me I am learning how to incorporate drinking into it. I couldn't give you a good reason why I do. I don't drink to get drunk or get hammered. Sometimes it just happens. Most of the time not but it does happen. I don't do it for the feeling or because I have more fun. I have just as much fun sober as I do drunk. I drink the beverages I choose because they taste good. They do help me relax. There are other ways to help one relax. Sometimes people just really crave a cold beer or a margarita on a hot summer day. For me, I grew up around family gatherings and people drinking. Not heavily but drinking. So this is how I grew up to socialize with friends and family. Food and booze. It's not for everybody but it works for me.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think you're over-thinking the situation. It's like asking: can't you celebrate Christmas without presents and still have fun? Some people certainly do and have fun regardless but quite a few people simply enjoy it more with presents, hehe.

    Some people enjoy relaxing and unwinding with a drink more than without. And some people enjoy waking up to a cup of coffee in the morning. :ohwell:

    Well said
  • amyrankin
    amyrankin Posts: 2
    its a social lubricant.....
    helps me forget or at least slowed all the issues running around in my head and
    I enjoy having a couple beers with my husband or friends relaxing, Dancing, singing

    there are different kinds of drinkers, just like there are different types of personalitys

    some people need that time to forget all their drama and be them selves.
    I dont think most people dont have a mission to get drunk, it just happens
    hope this helps ;)
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Jesus turned water into wine @ a wedding for a reason. Alcohol is meant to be enjoyed along with everything else in moderation. It's like asking, why do youeat? There's many facets to that answer. Well, it tastes good, it makes me feel good, and it gives my body what it needs. And sometimes a glass of wine may be just what I need just like I may need a cup of coffee to get me going in the morning. :D
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    I like drinking. To get drunk... it's can be a fun time. I do not really enjoy the taste of delicious wine or whatever... I pretty much drink socially not because "it tastes great."

    Now drinking too much and blacking out... that is NOT a fun time. Well not always...

    I guess if you've only drunk and blacked out and woke up terrible in the morning I could see why it wouldn't make sense.

    That said, I like drinking to get drunk. :) I don't really know what else to say... the question is kind of broad.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I never used to drink until I found Satan. Now I drink all the time, and jaywalk too.... Kidding, I kid...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I appreciate everyone'c comments and thank you for not letting this get out of hand, Maybe on the other thread I kind of "leaped before I looked" so to speak but I didn't really mean it to be judgmental or controversial. I was honestly just curious. Again thanks to everyone for responding. :flowerforyou:
  • lock0134
    lock0134 Posts: 19
    I think in my whole life I've been drunk maybe 5 times. I think the last was an employee party which I really didn't want to go to in the first place. One of my jobs is at a resort/bar and it was free. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting drunk once and awhile. We are all human and we have the right to choose what we do with our lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Those that do not abuse drinking there are probably many reasons that I'm not even aware of but from my own personal experience I can give you the following.

    I average 2 drinks a week. I never drink just to get drunk. I only drink something that I like the taste of or I have a craving for a cold beer. I mostly have one or two drinks at a time. At that time it's either at a meal or maybe my body hurts from work and I've had a really rough day. It's really no different than popping tylenol. When I did get drunk mostly it's because you get caught up in the moment. You're in a large group of people, you feel more relaxed and willing to talk. I am usually a shy person but when i've had a few I noticed at the employee party I recently attended that I was much more willing to participate in what was going on. It's just a stress reliever for most people and there is NOTHING wrong with that. Some people gamble, some people eat food, some people exercise, some take perscription/oc medication and some people drink. There is nothing wrong with Any of those things unless it's abused.
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    fist of all for me there is a big difference between drinking and getting drunk. a glass of wine with dinner is delicious. a cocktail or two is a mild relaxer, it calms me down from stresses and pressures of the day or even of socializing. Getting drunk is not the reason for me to drink. enjoying the flavor of various alcholic beverages and the mild relaxation benefit is my reason. It frustrates me that I can't have more wine without getting drunk I hate to be drunk and I don't go there anymore but I love the taste of wine. Please be careful assuming that anyone who drinks and enjoys alcohol is just trying to get drunk. :smile:

    I had to laugh when I read this because, I too get frustrated when I can't have anymore wine because I start feeling "too buzzed". I think that a good indicator that we are not alcoholics. I love wine just like I love chocolate. I thinks it's about the taste combined with the way it makes you feel.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Sugar, that's fine. I didn't mean non-drinkers couldn't respond. I just put the question out there for drinkers because they do the drinking. :smile:

    Surlydave, thanks for your input on the subject. Your answer really makes sense to me. Not that I'm going to start drinking but it helps me understand the drinking to relax issue. :flowerforyou:

    Woo Hoo, I'm making sense today!!! :wink: