Heavy Lifting Friends!

ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
After successfully losing a lot of weight through WLS and heavy-duty cardio (most recently, long-distance running), I realized that I have also lost some (ok... probably a lot) of muscle mass. I didn't see myself weighing 165lbs and being so squishy - so disappointing!

I got and have totally loved reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Last Tuesday, I took my first Body Pump class to see how weak I really was. I made it through the whole class but realized that it's time to get on the strength training wagon.

Looking for friends who have been where I am (close to a healthy weight but squishy) and have gone the strength training route to lose fat and gain muscle to work toward/attain their optimal health/weight. I don't care how much I weigh at my goal, but I do want to be toned and under 155lbs (the upper healthy BMI) and I need to learn how to eat properly to gain muscle. For reference, I am 5'6", 165lbs, 28/f.



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Wow, congrats on the 220 lbs lost!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Im heavy, Ive started lifting regular...does that count? LOL
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member

    I'm an every day-logger, 22/f , 137lbs, trying oh-so-hard to get into heavy lifting! I want to do it as soon as I'm done with the 30 Day Shred (I have 15 more days)

    I also read New Rules a while ago, and have weights at home (Thanks to my brother...)
    Not entirely sure how I'm going to go about this, but I'd love a friend that is also interested in heavy lifting! Please add :love:
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    After successfully losing a lot of weight through WLS and heavy-duty cardio (most recently, long-distance running), I realized that I have also lost some (ok... probably a lot) of muscle mass. I didn't see myself weighing 165lbs and being so squishy - so disappointing!

    I got and have totally loved reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Last Tuesday, I took my first Body Pump class to see how weak I really was. I made it through the whole class but realized that it's time to get on the strength training wagon.

    Looking for friends who have been where I am (close to a healthy weight but squishy) and have gone the strength training route to lose fat and gain muscle to work toward/attain their optimal health/weight. I don't care how much I weigh at my goal, but I do want to be toned and under 155lbs (the upper healthy BMI) and I need to learn how to eat properly to gain muscle. For reference, I am 5'6", 165lbs, 28/f.


    First of all do not beat yourself up. You are doing fabulous! You biggest weight was close to mine and you are at the weight that I want to be and you are the same height as me. I do both strength training and cardio. I strength training three days per week and cardio as much as I can muster (most days). If I were you, I would use calipers to determine your body fat composition and go to Scooby and punch in all your data and that should help you determine your food recommendations....in terms of the percentage of protein, carbs and fat. I do know that when you are strength training you definitely need more protein for rebuilding muscle.
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    A fellow NewRules- er!! I started with heavy lifting with the program (currently level 4!) and love it so far! Feel free to add me :)
  • gabinonunes
    gabinonunes Posts: 26 Member
    Don't be afraid to pump that iron!!