Looking for low carb buddies/support

Looking for others who are doing low carb for support, advice, recipes, etc. I initially started low carb to jump start weight lose but in the process I discovered I may have had a gluten allergy all these years.... I've always had mild stomach aches/discomfort but after only one week into low carb I noticed no more Stomach or digestive issues! I have been low carb for about three weeks and feel fabulous! I'm not following one particular plan (i.e., Atkins, South Beach). I started with my daily carb intake @ about 100g but didn't notice much weight lose in the first week so I cut back to under 50g and the weight is practically melting off! Anyone interested in a low carb-newbie for a buddy let me know!


  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I eat Primal ultra low carb (under 25g a day). Feel free to add me if being so low carb would be any help to you. :-)