Plateau and can't get past!

I've been at a Plateanu for more than a month now. I can't seem to get past 173.8 (such an odd number). An ironcially, when I lost weight a long time ago, I wouldn't get past the 170s either. I work a desk job, so I eat 1200 calories a day, and work out after work and usually burn anywhere from 300-600 calories.

I eat when I'm hungry, and I never gorge, I don't drink pop, don't eat fast food, do not eat sweets, etc. I try to eat clean, and it's not coming off

The only thing I can think of is that it's medication, as I am on birth control (micronor), thyroid (hypo, but now in the normal range). I am also on ritalin and migraine medicine, but those are actually supposed to HELP you lose weight as a side effect. I can't understand. Am I not eating enough with my work outs? Should I increase to what my actual TDEE -20% should be?


  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    U answered you're own question. 1200 - 300 = 900 that's how many calories your netting, at most. I would up the calories to 1450 and c what that does.. Cardio and large burns woo burn u up on make u go plateau faster. Imo its done it to me. The last time i last weight, i got stick in the 170s also. For the longest time, i didn't think the scale would go past 175. Good luck
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    I'm a guy, but I just recently figured out I was undereating and added 400 cals to my diet, and plan to add about 200 more next week. It got me past the plateau. It's too soon to give concrete results, but so far it seems I'm losing steadily again. I don't understand it, but yea, it worked for me.
  • strum261
    strum261 Posts: 30 Member
    Try this website, it has all kinds of calculators for how many calories you should be eating. My calorie recommendation is 1200, but I eat back my exercise calories, and I see to lose better when I go over a little. When I used it told me I should be eating more calories. once I started doing that I started losing again, I was at a plateau for about 3-4 weeks before that. Good luck and keep up the good work
  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member
    I completely get where you're at. I've been stuck for 4 months now. I eat all the right stuff, I exercise twice a day and NOTHING! I Started seeing a doctor for weight loss purposes a month or so ago. He also says that I'm doing everything right. The only thing we can figure is that one of the many meds I'm on for current issues is making it more difficult for me to lose weight. I'm also on migraine meds (imitrex, propanolol magnesium to name a few) so that makes me wonder if there's a connection. Please feel free to add me and we can support each other to keep pushing through the plateau. Don't stop doing what you're doing!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member

    Am I not eating enough with my work outs? Should I increase to what my actual TDEE -20% should be?

    TA-DA! You got it. When we under eat for a prolonged period of time ("prolonged" means different things to different bodies...) we damage our hormones, lose LBM, and slow our metabolism. The result? A plateau.

    Increase your food intake to TDEE-20% and give your body about 4 weeks to settle in. It should work wonders.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yes, increase your calories and change your workout routine up and you'll get passed it!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    When I plateau for 5 weeks, I have a really high calorie day. Steak, baked potato -healthy, just high calorie. Within 3 days, the scale starts dropping again.

    Also, unless you're really petite, 1200 probably is a bit low for you. I have a desk job and find I need to eat about 1325 - I always plateau at 1200.
  • ValerieKozora
    HOLY CRAP THAT'S LITERALLY MY PLATEAU NUMBER. TO THE NEAREST TENTH. I'm having a hard time overcoming it as well. I've had a plateau before, so if you haven't tried it yet, try changing your workout entirely (if you're active, that is) and/or your eating regime. Do you have favorite foods or recipes that you make and love? Don't make them for awhile, try something else. Your body will legitimately go into shock.

    And I know everyone's said it, but one of my plateaus happened because I was in what nutrition majors call "starvation mode". Your body stores ANY, if AT ALL of the fats you've eaten, good or bad, because it isn't sure when it's going to get a satisfying meal enough to be able to safely digest it all. So up your calories, even if it's just a bit.
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    I have been stuck at or around 170 for 5 months - I increased my calories per day to 1500 and I eat back most, if not all, of my exercise calories. I run 2-3 times a week and do cardio/weight classes three times per week. I am 5'6", female, 49 years old. Anyone willing to help on that one? Also, I really am not obese looking - I wear a size 8-10 in pants/skirts and medium tops.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    I have been stuck at or around 170 for 5 months - I increased my calories per day to 1500 and I eat back most, if not all, of my exercise calories. I run 2-3 times a week and do cardio/weight classes three times per week. I am 5'6", female, 49 years old. Anyone willing to help on that one? Also, I really am not obese looking - I wear a size 8-10 in pants/skirts and medium tops.

    I put the info in scoobie's and gives me 1820 calories. I would bump your calories to 1700 and do not eat back the exercise calories.
  • prettysenshi
    prettysenshi Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll increase my calories intake!