Help from New Yorkers

jimtryingtoslim Posts: 31 Member
HI, only seven weeks to go before packing up the family to fly ove rto the states for holidays first stop New York. Any one have a must do's while in New York. Kids ages are 10, 8 & 5.
Any suggestions would be great plus any tip on the subway system to get around.


  • abrandnewme18
    abrandnewme18 Posts: 305
    Go to my grandma's house. She lives in the Upper East Side and has five husbands. My G-MA is living it up.
  • jimtryingtoslim
    jimtryingtoslim Posts: 31 Member
    Not to sure if I want my kids to see that!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Go to my grandma's house. She lives in the Upper East Side and has five husbands. My G-MA is living it up.

    Thats nothing.My Grandpa lives in Riyadh,South Arabia and has 11 wives,most of them in their teens!:drinker: