Not losing weight at all. Mind you, I went down from about this weight to 123ish last summer and it seemed to come off pretty easily. All winter I sat around doing very little and pretty much eating what I wanted and only gained 2-3 pounds, or so it seemed. I think I lost a lot of muscle I had built up and replaced it with fat to be honest.

BUT, then comes April 2013 and my weight spikes like 5-6 pounds in a months' time. I've been eating well, counting calories very carefully and working out most nights and the weight just is not coming off and I don't know what's wrong. I attribute a lot of it to my new job. The stress is incredibly high and it's a sit-down job plus I find myself drinking 2-3 16ounce coffees each day to keep me alert and busy. I just recently started trying to do stuff at my desk to keep slightly more active, like step aerobics with my trash can on its side and I try to sustain constant leg motion of various styles for at least an hour when doing this.

I just went to the Dr. on Thursday, and my sudden weight gain was part of my symptom so the dr. wants to run some blood tests, checking my thyroid for one and I guess she can check my hormones or something, not sure what else she'll check.

If there were certain foods you'd totally recommend eating during this crucial time of weight loss boot camp and absolutely avoid, what would you suggest? I always make it a point to steer clear of high sodium foods, ALL the time, because I tend to bloat up so dang much.

Have been doing a combo of cardio/strength training.

Thanks in advance for any help.