How can I eat 90 grams of protein in a day when I'm full?



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Eggwhites and protein shakes do it for me. They dont fill me up much if any.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Tell your doctor that you need help from a nutritionist. You need professional help. This is a serious medical problem. MFP friends are NOT doctors. I am a retired RN, and I won't try to advise you on something this serious.

    The fact that you had a gastric surgery puts you into a whole different ball park than most of the folks on MFP. You sought out help to speed up your weight loss; but with that decision, you also took on the risks and responsibility of that decision. Your complications are not to be ignored, and you aren't going to find a quick fix here.

    Get yourself to your doctor ASAP...please, Sis. The fact that you are losing hair and your incision is not healing should be enough to make it clear that something needs fixing right now. Your child need a healthy mom, not a sick one.

    Ditto this!! At least 90% of these are general advice that these folks would give everyone else and most of them have no background in medicine or nutrition. Go back to your doc for more specific advice or go see a nutritionist who is familiar with GB patients.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Tell your doctor that you need help from a nutritionist. You need professional help. This is a serious medical problem. MFP friends are NOT doctors. I am a retired RN, and I won't try to advise you on something this serious.

    The fact that you had a gastric surgery puts you into a whole different ball park than most of the folks on MFP. You sought out help to speed up your weight loss; but with that decision, you also took on the risks and responsibility of that decision. Your complications are not to be ignored, and you aren't going to find a quick fix here.

    Get yourself to your doctor ASAP...please, Sis. The fact that you are losing hair and your incision is not healing should be enough to make it clear that something needs fixing right now. Your child need a healthy mom, not a sick one.

    ^^^^This!! Get yourself some nutritional counseling asap!
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Tell your doctor that you need help from a nutritionist. You need professional help. This is a serious medical problem. MFP friends are NOT doctors. I am a retired RN, and I won't try to advise you on something this serious.

    The fact that you had a gastric surgery puts you into a whole different ball park than most of the folks on MFP. You sought out help to speed up your weight loss; but with that decision, you also took on the risks and responsibility of that decision. Your complications are not to be ignored, and you aren't going to find a quick fix here.

    Get yourself to your doctor ASAP...please, Sis. The fact that you are losing hair and your incision is not healing should be enough to make it clear that something needs fixing right now. Your child need a healthy mom, not a sick one.

    This right here.

    This woman wins the whole Internet.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I generally like a scoop of body fortress whey isolate (vanilla for me, haven't tried the others, 30 g protein) with 1 c almond milk, and a ton of ice. I sometimes blend in berries (frozen or fress). It's about 160 calories and 31 g of protein, if you use about a cup of ice, its got the consistency of ice cream, but less rich. I always eat it on work out days!

    ^^True Story^^ That's my yummy after workout protein shake. In a pinch when on the run I use ready made Premeir Protein Shakes (30g protein) & can be found at Sams or Costco.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    "Get yourself to your doctor ASAP...please, "

    This one. Also probably a nutritionist. I am not familiar with the specifics of weight loss surgery but you once you have spoken with the doctor/nutritionist, you may want to talk to some others who have been in your situation before. Good luck!
  • Symphony2010
    Symphony2010 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice