Babywearing and fitness?

I have a 3 week old newborn who loves to be held, and 99% of the time (basically except for showers and washroom), she is being held, often in a wrap. I also have a 2YO and a 4YO. Any tips on workouts or fitting in exercise when I have these 3 in tow? Gym isnt an option, it's gotta be things I can do with them. We walk and go to the park, sometimes I push the older 2 in the stroller and power walk, but I'm looking for something a little more interesting. Any tips for fitting in a bit more with little ones in tow? Or quiet workouts at home while they are sleeping while wearing baby?


  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Personally I would take it easy a few more weeks. Your body needs time to heal and with 3 kids under 4 you are really going to wear yourself out! A little walking is ok but I would try to rest as much as possible right now:)
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I think you have the right idea now. With that many littles, you are really looking at walking while wearing the baby & pushing the others in the stroller. Anything more active--jumping or running is just going to jostle the baby too much. You could turn on some music & do some gentle dancing. Since you have the baby on your front, you can support her head while you sway & your other children would probably enjoy some dance time. When the baby gets older, keep wearing her on your back--nothing like hauling a 20-30 lbs toddler for getting a good workout while you walk :wink: . Have you looked at ? I haven't been there in a long time--my youngest is now almost 8 :frown: , so I haven't slung a baby in about 5 years. Some of the mamas there may have some more ideas.
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    loving the idea of dancing!! I find that aside from the park, doing yard work/gardening while babywearing is a really good workout. Congrats momma!
  • PrairieMomTo3
    PrairieMomTo3 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the good tips everyone. For now, I can add in a little dancing, the kids will love that, and after a few weeks, some gardening and heavy housework (with 3 little ones, there's no shortage of that!).
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Dang, girl! If you baby wear while pushing a stroller for an hour, do you know how many calories you can burn? Give yourself a few more weeks and get the OK from your OB before you do anymore!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    The walks are great. You can also play games with the kids and walk two blocks, stop, everyone do 5 squats (you have the extra weight from wearing the bub!), then pile back into the stroller and walk some more, then stop for something else. Bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, planks, etc. can be done quietly while kids are sleeping or entertaining themselves. You can also use the baby 9or a toddler!) for add resistance with many of these. My 4 year old loves climbing on my back for squats and on my husband's back for push-ups and things like that. Dancing round with the older kids is good, but if you're wearing the baby, you won't be able to really jump much. There are some mommy & me yoga videos out there, I had one, a long time ago.

    I do agree you need to take it easy and go slow, though. You're only three weeks post-partum, you don't want to push things too fast, too soon.
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    My littlies love the superman. Lay on your back, bend your knees to your stomach, child lays across your feet while you hold their hands, then lift feet and child up in the air while shouting superman. Kids think it's hilarious, and it's great for abs and thighs and pelvic floor.