Help with quick meals

I have a very busy work and home life so I have a hard time with finding meals that are not high calorie high fat, so I am trying to find a brand of TV dinners that are not high calorie and high fat. I know TV dinners are not healthy but its the path I will have to take for now and hopefully with the working out it will make it a little better


  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Me again :). I throw a turkey breast in the crockpot and make brown rice in a pot measure it out and put it in to go containers. Soups are also easy to make big batches of and can freeze easily. What ever I cook for the kids I pack leftovers for my meals. Really important though is to make sure you are using proper portion sizes. I measure and weigh everything
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Losing weight isn't just about eating less and dropping pounds; its about changing your lifestyle to get healthy. And tv dinners are not the answer (sodium content!!). Take a couple of hours on a weekend and make meals for the week. I make a huge bowl of salad and that's my lunches for the week.....I just add some protein (leftovers from dinner the night before or tuna) and I'm good to go. It doesn't have to be expensive food to be healthy either. Cook up some dahl (East Indian lentil dish) for next to nothing and put in containers in the freezer. So yummy. A crockpot of chili or pork and beans will last a few meals. But dinners only for emergencies!!!!