
styanne Posts: 7 Member
i have an underactive thyoride my doctor told me that i was awkward because as he described to me he put two hands together fingers pointing to each other and said that the thyoride is here when you have a problem normaly the one would raise and the other one would lower demostrating by using his hands but he said you are hear holding his hands out he raised one of his hands and said this is what is happening to you the one level was staying put and the other was raising. he put me on medication
and said you will start to lose weight like this and clicked his fingers. I have now been on thyroxin for 6 years or more and my weight increased. if you are on medication are you still struggling to lose weight.


  • mrsmillan
    mrsmillan Posts: 37
    i've been on tyroid medication for about 5yrs and have gained weight! So I dunno
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Easy. Tell your doctor you want to switch to natural dessicated thyroid. I'm pretty sure it's still hard to get in the States, but you can order it from Canada via online pharmacies under the brand name Thyroid.

    A REALLY good site about the misery that regularly gets doled out to thyroid patients and info on natural dessicated thyroid and how to get better treatment.

    And, YES, you absolutely CAN lose weight on the natural stuff. And your hair will quit falling out and you'll finally have energy again.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Im on the medication myself. but i have only been on it for about almost 9 months and i have been losing weight :)
    its cause, im exercising, and not only that.

    which are
    High Fructose Syrup
    Hydrogenated Oil
    Partly Hydrogenated Oil
    Trans Fat

    and since then i have been losing weight.
    but i also myself found out Under active Thyroid cant have ANY sorts of Soy
    such as Soybean Oil
    Soy products.

    I got a lot of information about thyroid cause i decided to look out for my thyroid.
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    I have been on a very high dose of Synthroid for 12 years. I don't produce any of the hormones. I've had times where I don't take it and I gain weight really fast. As soon as I'm back on it I lose a lot weight faster and I have more energy. Everyone's body has different reactions to Synthroid but it should increase your metabolic activity; not hinder it. You should talk to your doctor about the weight gain though, there could be some alternatives.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    When I was told I had a hypo thyroid I was really excited that it could be why I was fat, but not, it was the fastfood and other crap I was eating :laugh: I've never see any change in my weight from my thyroid medication, however, I do see a change in my energy and that helps me lose weight because I want to go to the gym and I want to get off the couch. They thyroid is an amazing thing. If you don't feel right on your medication then ask your dr to change it. Also, thyroid medication is one of the few that the generics can effect (affect, I never know) the bodies response, so you do not want to take a generic. You should also be doing blood work every 3 ish month until they get your medication and dosage correct.
    Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I just found out a couple months ago that I'm hypothyroid. I too was hoping that getting on meds would help the weight to fall off, which it didn't (or hasn't yet) but it has cleared up the brain fog and I have a little more energy so I'm able to focus on planning meals and what I need to do to lose the weight and have the energy to do something about it. I'm still pretty tired most of the time but I also don't get enough sleep most of the time either (I need to work on that!) They have me on the generic but the lack of sleep keeps me from being able to tell if the being tired is the generic meds not helping enough or the lack of sleep. I figure it's more likely the lack of sleep. Kids will be out of school soon and hopefully life will be a little less busy so maybe I can start getting to bed earlier. Then I can find out.

    fabiolaenvy, thanks for the tips on what you should avoid if you're hypo, I'd heard there were things to avoid but didn't know what exactly. What about green tea? I hear so much about it being good for weight loss but I thought I read something somewhere about it being bad for you if you are hypothyroid. Has anyone ever heard that?
  • FabiolaEnvy♥

    fabiolaenvy, thanks for the tips on what you should avoid if you're hypo, I'd heard there were things to avoid but didn't know what exactly. What about green tea? I hear so much about it being good for weight loss but I thought I read something somewhere about it being bad for you if you are hypothyroid. Has anyone ever heard that?

    you are welcome :) you can have the caffeine but dont have to much.
    you should try to avoid it. but if you cant, green tea would be the best. i would say.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I've been on a fairly high dose of synthroid for 3 years now, and no weight loss... in fact, a gain of 10 lbs! How depressing... I was so hopeful that it would help!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i dont think you will lose weight just cause you are on the pills. what the pills does it gets your thyroid back to normal, to where it should be. to the point where you arent tired all the time, and feel like doing something. when i got my pills i felt i had more energy and i wasnt as depress as i was, and wasnt sooo jumpy. when i got that, i started to walk, jog, and doing exercise. that is the reason why im losing weight. not cause of the pills saying oh you can lose weight just like that. i havent gained any weight.. i have been pretty good about my diet. cause im avoiding the main things.
  • yazi_livefit
    yazi_livefit Posts: 51 Member
    I have was hypothyroid since I was diagnosed at 18 years old. I have been on synthroid ever since and had never had weight loss problems. At the age of 24 I had my son, at the age of 26 I had my thyroid completely removed. I am still taking synthroid 100cc a day. At my last check, due to the high fatigue I was feeling, my doctor prescribed me with 5cc of T3 medicine in addition to the synthroid. I feel fantastic and fatigue is long gone.

    TAKE YOUR THYROID SERIOUSLY!! Do not self diagnose yourself and do not purchase medicine because someone told you it works. See your doctor and request TSH, T3 and T4 blood work. The thyroid plays important role in the regulation of the metabolism and the overall function of your organs. If you have been prescribed medicine---DO NOT MISS A SINGLE DOSE! If the medicine is making you gain weight it could be steroid based, ask for a different medicine or seek a second opinion.
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I've had an underactive, well no, DEAD, thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease) for 21 years now, I too hoped that the meds would solve all of my weight issues and was sorely disapointed that it didn't help! What my doctor explained to me, is that to someone with my thyroid issues, if I were to eat just one Oreo for example, my body/metabolism reads it as having eaten a whole bag!!! So I need to be even more aware of what I'm eating. I'm grateful for MFP and some weight loss (the first success I've had in all these years!) but I'm finding that perhaps besides monitoring my food intake, what helped was the increased exercise. But even as 'good' as I have been since January, I'm still only at 22 lbs!! I see others seem to be just dropping pounds so much quicker than I and I know I'm being honest about my food and exercise...but I'm determined to just make this my new lifestyle and I figure eventually I'll get through the next 25 plus pounds! Even if it takes me a year haha...I'm wondering if I should not count my exercise calories (but of course continue my routine) and just eat my 'food' calories..? I'll try that see how it works! but you definitely need to have your thyroid levels checked at regular intervals! Not something to play around with as the thyroid controls so much of what happens in your body! The brain fog will clear with the meds as will the alligator like skin...416185.png
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