The waitress dilemma.



  • littlexbug
    I think you received a lot of great advice. I especially like the pedometer and Larabar idea.

    I just wanted to comment that I feel for you. The difference with me is that we are allowed to eat, it's just finding time to shove something in your mouth before the next rush comes in. As far as exhaustion goes, I find for me, that the mental exhaustion keeps me from making good food choices. I get too tired to care. But when I get dizzy or ravenous, I know it's the physical exhaustion and I need to eat something before I make those bad choices (or eat better before my shift for that matter). That's why I like the suggestions to keep nuts or bars in your pocket, and then take a "smoke break" to eat them.

    I totally feel for you hun. Serving/bartending is a tiring job, both physically and mentally.

    Best wishes to you!