Advice needed on what is best after exercise

Apologies if this question has been asked and not doubt has many times before but i would like some help / information on what is best to eat or drink after exercise.

I am currently weighing in at 242. I have lost about 20lbs so far and have done this while not able to do much exercise due to an injury. I have always been relative active playing sports such as football and rugby, even when overweight.

I have now gone back to the gym as my injury has cleared. I am starting with the following plan which is burning about 750+ cals per sessions and aiming to carry out 3 times a week:

10mins bike at low to mod pace / effort
20mins cross trainer at mod effort
1000m all out row, aiming to decrease my time continually
weight machines working on arms, shoulders, chest and abs
30mins treadmil run at a mod pace
5mins cool down on bike at low effort

My question is what is best to eat or drink after i have carried out this workout. Lifestlye dictates that i am likely to carry out my workout between 7pm and 10pm so i do not want to over do it before bed.

I am also concious of losing muscle mass and want to avoid where possible the remnants of flabby skin, around my waist in particular.

Any help and advice that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.


  • barrattandrew
    barrattandrew Posts: 148
    Rest, proteins after training. more rest.
    Other than that, fit it into your daily calories. Although I try not to eat much too close to training as I tend to get a stich! So then just whip down some more calories in the post work out protein shake.

    Suspect you'll get some interesting intake timing comments though :)
  • barrattandrew
    barrattandrew Posts: 148
    as for the flabby skin - I'm starting to see that as inevitable :(

    Which gym are you at - would be good to see you again! Could pop in for session with you!


  • markdavies120
    markdavies120 Posts: 18 Member
    Cheers Andy.

    Currently i go with a meal of beans and 3x toast 2 hours before i attend the gym. Post gym i tend to eat a pack of cooked chicken pieces which are not high in calorie intake but do have higher protien. I always stick within my target goals apart from possibly over on my protien due to this.

    I did wonder if some form of protien shake would be better but i am not sure if having a shake around 10pm is a good thing. for the record i generally go to bed after a workout 12:30 / 1am

    As for the time i exercise, this is due to parental and working commitments. It's what it is. i aim for 6 hours sleep a night, sometimes get 7 depending on where i have to be the following day.

    i'll never have the washboard abs but i want to do the best possible to limit the damage.

    go to yourgym based at the new stadium ( it's cheap and does the job. If you are interested then they do send through offers to bring along a friend for a free session or discounts on new referal memberships for both.