Overcoming a Plateau

md3b3tt Posts: 8 Member
The last couple years, I really started getting into fitness.
When I started at my gym, I weighed in at 211 pounds, and over the first few months I got down to 185. I was PSYCHED!

But then the weight loss just stopped. I was doing some running, a lot of arm and chest workouts, so everyone told me the weight is just going to my new muscle. Well that was great and all, but my belly was still unsatisfactory, and my waist was staying the same as well...for another year! I switched up exercise, watched what I ate a little better, and tried to increase cardio even more through machines and running, but nothing worked. I maintained between 180-185.
This February, though, I really started tracking (using MFP, obviously) and I made it my goal to track every day no matter what.

This, and a whole food diet my wife and I started on whim. we IMMEDIATELY saw a difference. We each dropped 7 pounds the first week and I lost 14 by easter (after three weeks), lost another pants size (30", yay!) and renewed my belief in overcoming my 18-month plateau!
I'm at a steady 167 now (most days).


  • duffmama
    duffmama Posts: 9 Member
    I've been stuck in the same weight range give or take 2 lbs. for about 5 weeks. I have 25 more to loose, so it's very frustrating. I've increase my exercise to help, but so far nothing. md3b3tt, good for you! I hope tracking my calories closer will help me too.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Plateau for the last year. Still changing things up. Meticulous on calculating calories. Lift one day per week, Hiit one day per week and try to jog one day per week. Fat is going down but 280 is still an unhealthy weight even at 6'5" tall. Thanks for the motivation.