Eating makes me more hungry..



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    This is why I try to delay my breakfast as late as I can each day, and sometimes skip it entirely. Starting my eating day too early just means I run out of calories that much earlier in the evening! If I don't eat anything until late in the morning, I don't feel particularly hungry anyway, but if I eat something very early, then it seems like I am ready for lunch LONG before it's an appropriate time for it.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I didn't read all the comments, so I don't know if this has been addressed, but eat more protein for breakfast. I get about 25-30gr protein for breakfast by eating 1 cup full fat cottage cheese with fruit or berries and a sprinkle of Splenda for about 280 cals. Eggs, greek yogurt, peanut butter and nuts are good sources of protein.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    To be honest, I don't believe in the "not eating past a certain time" doctrine. Unless it is for health reasons (heartburn, nightmares, blood sugar issues), there's no reason to not eat at night, if you are hungry. I only say that because if you eat at 7pm, and not again until 8:30 am, that's 13.5 hours without food. That's more than half a day... of course your body is going to be starving and wanting to eat more and more and more. I would try eating to same amounts of food, but space them out better. For instance maybe have some yogurt when you first get up, then a few hours later, have some toast or oatmeal, and so on. I think spreading it out may help you feel more satisfied throughout the day.

    Also, do you think your calorie goal may be a little low? I usually aim for about 1700 cals/day and I'm not breastfeeding. I usually feel like I'm starving if I eat under 1500. Just throwing it out there.... Good luck!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    The artificial sweetner is not your problem - the amount of refind carbs (cookies, cereal, candy, cake etc) is....It causes a spike and a sudden drop in your bloodsugar, which makes you "hungry" - actually just craving something else to get your bloodsugar up...
    Make sure you eat protein with EVERY meal and snack...That will keep your bloodsugar stable and stop the cravings. Almonds, cheese, deli meats, leftover chicken, instead of coffee cake and 100 calorie packages of sugar....
    And if you have healthy kidneys there is no such thing as too much protein....You are still breastfeeding - you need it.....
    The most important (and you might not like it at first) is to cut the sugary junk....

    I went further back in your diary - (end of April) Not sure if you are not logging consistantly - but the days you don't overindulge in chocolate and cake and candy, you eat around 1100 calories of mostly carbs..... At your weight AND while you are breastfeeding it will explain the constant hunger and need for sweet things....If you have been eating this little - eat more and eat real food with lots of protein in it.....
    I know, I try to limit to one thing a day, but the last week has been bad.

    When I first started on April 30, I was doing 1200 calories. I didn't know anything about BMR or the TDEE-20% method. I switched to the TDEE-20% method this week and now I know not to eat back my exercise calories.

    I am not constantly hungry, though.

    I feel like I do eat enough protein? I eat greek yogurt, smoothies with protein powder, cottage cheese, protein bars, the only meat I eat is chicken, fish or ground turkey.. occasionally pork and steak.

    When I eat starches - I only eat whole wheat options, never white..

    I know I need to stop eating the junk, I usually am not this bad. Besides that I thought I was doing pretty good.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    yum your oatmeal sounds good!

    that link works now, thanks.. going to read!
    it's sorta like ice cream if you do the cinnamon honey and banana in greek yogurt (that's actually my favorite and its' got more protein then the oatmeal and less calories. mmmmmm)
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    To be honest, I don't believe in the "not eating past a certain time" doctrine. Unless it is for health reasons (heartburn, nightmares, blood sugar issues), there's no reason to not eat at night, if you are hungry. I only say that because if you eat at 7pm, and not again until 8:30 am, that's 13.5 hours without food. That's more than half a day... of course your body is going to be starving and wanting to eat more and more and more. I would try eating to same amounts of food, but space them out better. For instance maybe have some yogurt when you first get up, then a few hours later, have some toast or oatmeal, and so on. I think spreading it out may help you feel more satisfied throughout the day.

    Also, do you think your calorie goal may be a little low? I usually aim for about 1700 cals/day and I'm not breastfeeding. I usually feel like I'm starving if I eat under 1500. Just throwing it out there.... Good luck!

    I am not hungry at night. My husband's business has been closed for remodeling for the past month, so he has been home early and we have been eating dinner by 530, but normally we do not eat dinner until 7. Then right away, it's clean up the kitchen, bath and bed for my son and we are right behind him (in bed by 830, asleep by 9/930) because I get up at 430 am.

    I have read that it is good to fast everyday, from the last meal before bed, like 12+ hours until you eat in the morning.

    I am usually not hungry until 8-10 am, as I don't typically nurse before work (today I did, which could be a reason for me being hungry).

    I do the TDEE-20% and then deduct my calories for breastfeeding, so my net includes eating those calories back, so technically I am eating around 1740 if I make it to that goal. I sometimes have a hard time getting all my calories in.
  • purpleprose78
    For me, when I'm hungry like this, it is usually because I'm craving something specific. Right before my TOM (every single month), I crave a cheeseburger like it is going out of style and no matter how much I eat, nothing will satisfy my hunger. But as soon as I give in and have the cheeseburger, my cravings are gone and I'm back to normal eating. Could it be that you want something specific? (I have a theory that my body needs something in the cheeseburger)
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member

    yum your oatmeal sounds good!

    that link works now, thanks.. going to read!
    it's sorta like ice cream if you do the cinnamon honey and banana in greek yogurt (that's actually my favorite and its' got more protein then the oatmeal and less calories. mmmmmm)
    yum, sounds good!

    I didn't know those chobani flips were so full of sugar and carbs. I try to stick with the 100 calorie yoplait blueberrie or coconut flavors.. gonna stop buying those chobani ones! I honestly never even ate greek yogurt until recently, because I didn't think I liked it.. I tried one brand and hated it. Then I started buying plain and using it as a sub in cooking and then slowly started eating it for breakfast and I love it! One days I have greek yogurt + granola + 1/2 banana, it does keep me full and going for hours!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    For me, when I'm hungry like this, it is usually because I'm craving something specific. Right before my TOM (every single month), I crave a cheeseburger like it is going out of style and no matter how much I eat, nothing will satisfy my hunger. But as soon as I give in and have the cheeseburger, my cravings are gone and I'm back to normal eating. Could it be that you want something specific? (I have a theory that my body needs something in the cheeseburger)
    I don't feel like anything specific.

    I just need to come better prepared to work. I didn't have much to choose from today.
  • crubinetti
    crubinetti Posts: 53 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of "sweet" things in your food diary (both from sugar and artificial sweetener)> For some people, sweet tastes trigger appetite (try cutting back on both artificial sweetener products and things with added sugar).

    I too am SOOO Guilty of this. I am a sugar addict (have been forever and just realized this week!) I am not sure how to get over the sugar hump though. I swear I won't beable to sleep without a sweet before bed.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    yum your oatmeal sounds good!

    that link works now, thanks.. going to read!
    it's sorta like ice cream if you do the cinnamon honey and banana in greek yogurt (that's actually my favorite and its' got more protein then the oatmeal and less calories. mmmmmm)
    yum, sounds good!

    I didn't know those chobani flips were so full of sugar and carbs. I try to stick with the 100 calorie yoplait blueberrie or coconut flavors.. gonna stop buying those chobani ones! I honestly never even ate greek yogurt until recently, because I didn't think I liked it.. I tried one brand and hated it. Then I started buying plain and using it as a sub in cooking and then slowly started eating it for breakfast and I love it! One days I have greek yogurt + granola + 1/2 banana, it does keep me full and going for hours!

    Do you mean the pre-flavored yogurts? they are chock full of sugars and other stuff and to me they taste gross! Much rather the plain greek yogurt with real fruit in it. If you can eat pineapple you won't even need to sweeten the yogurt the pineapple will do it for you. Plus you'll get more nutrients out of the real fruit mixed in versus the pre flavored stuff even if it does come out to more calories. Chobani greek yogurt has the most protein content.. you might want to rethink nixing it, esp if you like how they taste. Just get the plain one and flavor it yourself. (70 calories for 12g of protein per 1/2 cup.. pretty good!) i started using it in dressing and as toppings only recently. I can be stubborn with new things sometimes.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of "sweet" things in your food diary (both from sugar and artificial sweetener)> For some people, sweet tastes trigger appetite (try cutting back on both artificial sweetener products and things with added sugar).

    I too am SOOO Guilty of this. I am a sugar addict (have been forever and just realized this week!) I am not sure how to get over the sugar hump though. I swear I won't beable to sleep without a sweet before bed.

    Cold turkey is the best way... and the suckiest.. I was in bed with a migranie when I cut sugar out of my diet.. and a headache that lasted much longer then the migrane did. But its the quickest and the best.. You get plenty of sugar from natural sources if you eat a well balanced diet.. your body will adjust.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Sometimes I try and push back my breakfast or morning snack because once I start eating, I can't stop!

    I waited until 830 to have breakfast (I get up at 430 am) and it's only 10:15 and have already had 2 snacks and want lunch already.

    What do you do on days where eating only seems to make you more hungry?

    It looks like you might not be eating enough in the morning. I would try eating a more substantial breakfast. Morning is when we need lots of food!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member

    Do you mean the pre-flavored yogurts? they are chock full of sugars and other stuff and to me they taste gross! Much rather the plain greek yogurt with real fruit in it. If you can eat pineapple you won't even need to sweeten the yogurt the pineapple will do it for you. Plus you'll get more nutrients out of the real fruit mixed in versus the pre flavored stuff even if it does come out to more calories. Chobani greek yogurt has the most protein content.. you might want to rethink nixing it, esp if you like how they taste. Just get the plain one and flavor it yourself. (70 calories for 12g of protein per 1/2 cup.. pretty good!) i started using it in dressing and as toppings only recently. I can be stubborn with new things sometimes.
    The flips are pre-sweetened and have add ins.

    I am allergic to pineapple.. but can easily buy the plain yogurt and add in blueberries if the blueberry yogurt is full of too much sugar. I prefer to buy and eat organic blueberries anyway.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    Sometimes I try and push back my breakfast or morning snack because once I start eating, I can't stop!

    I waited until 830 to have breakfast (I get up at 430 am) and it's only 10:15 and have already had 2 snacks and want lunch already.

    What do you do on days where eating only seems to make you more hungry?

    It looks like you might not be eating enough in the morning. I would try eating a more substantial breakfast. Morning is when we need lots of food!

    Yeah, I don't eat much. Usually it works for me.. today it didn't. I need to keep my work stash stocked with options for days like this!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I used to be like that. I now notice when I eat refined grains or any kind of sugar I am immediately hungry and or wanting to eat all of the time. When I keep my diet to whole veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans I am fine. I even forget that I haven't eaten for a few hours. I no longer need to watch the clock to see when I get a snack. Love feeling like this!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Sometimes I try and push back my breakfast or morning snack because once I start eating, I can't stop!

    I waited until 830 to have breakfast (I get up at 430 am) and it's only 10:15 and have already had 2 snacks and want lunch already.

    What do you do on days where eating only seems to make you more hungry?

    It looks like you might not be eating enough in the morning. I would try eating a more substantial breakfast. Morning is when we need lots of food!

    Yeah, I don't eat much. Usually it works for me.. today it didn't. I need to keep my work stash stocked with options for days like this!

    Yes- i would suggest trying to eat more.

    ON days when i miss breakfast (this does happen too often for me) - i am not even hungry by the time lunch comes around. Then i get ravenous around supper.

    On days when I have a small breakfast, i feel ravenous a few hours later as i didn't eat enough but I still 'broke the fast' and so my body needed more food.

    On days when i have a good breakfast, I still need a little snack in the morning, or i am quite hungry by lunch.

    We need to fuel our bodies!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    what about eating near maintenance during tom, well it's really just the beginning that's hard for me, so it really would only be 2 days, or sometimes the days before.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    what about eating near maintenance during tom, well it's really just the beginning that's hard for me, so it really would only be 2 days, or sometimes the days before.
    I usually have calories to spare.. just don't know what to eat with them!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Hi OP! I nurse full time and I'm also hungry ALL the time!!!!! It's really hormonal. I see some people recommend you to fast for 2-3 days. Um, no. Not if you still want to be able to breastfeed. Fasting will take a big tool on your supply. I'm curious about the 200 calories you log for breastfeeding. How do you know it's accurate? The whole "500 cals burn" for full time nursing seems such a random number. I personally don't know how I burn. Right now, I don't log my food. i just eat all the time, but I try to make sensible choices. I estimated that I eat over 2000 cals a day. I lift weights. The changes are very slow, but I prefer it this way. Being too aggressive with my diet will affect my supply.