
Hi, I use Endomondo to measure calories burnt while walking / cycling and it is then transferred to MFP.

How accurate is Endomondo?

Does anyone know?


  • mrp56839
    mrp56839 Posts: 159 Member
    I use Endo to track distance and speed and a HRM with a strap to calculate duration and caloric burn. Endo automatically syncs up to MFP and MFP enters it's own idea of caloric burn. I have 3 numbers to compare. They all have the same stats to calculate based on with exception fo the HRM, which also has my actual HR.

    For my usual work out on an average effort day, I find Endo to be way high (750+), MFP to be middle (550ish) and my HRM to be the lowest (353). I figure since my HRM is attached to me and knows how hard I'm working based on my heartrate, it's probably the closest to actual. Plus it's the lowest. I'm not going to overeat my work out.

    I've read the "truth behind HRM's accuracy" threads. If I'm wrong and the burn really is higher, then i've just created a little bit more deficit. NBD.