Meal Plan Ideas

Hey People I need some help planning fairly quick healthy meals. Things that I can pack and take to work, I think I want to plan my meals 3 days to a week in advance in order to stay on track but I could really use some ideas.

I am also thinking about trying to eat clean.

Thanks for your help


  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    I plan my recipes for the week the Friday before (and create my grocery list at the same time). I personally cook one meal and eat it until it's gone (as leftovers for lunch and dinner), I know this doesn't work for everyone because most people like variety. I normally just cook for myself but am currently cooking for my mother as well while she recovers from surgery, so this helps use up the leftovers at a faster pace.

    If you plan on cooking everything, I found it helpful in the beginning to look for meals that incorporated veggies, a carb, and a protein all in one instead of having to make multiple sides. I now look for something that covers at least two of the three macros and then add the 3rd one in as a side if needed. Do you have any cuisine or food restrictions (I know some people don't eat pork, red meat, seafood, etc...). I'd be happy to share with you some of my recipes!

    For breakfast I tend to eat the same thing, or variations of the same thing. I like eggs in the morning, right now I usually do egg whites, a banana, and a protein shake after my morning workout. For snacks at work I bring a Greek yogurt and some veggies and hummus dip (pre-measured out at home). Lunch will be leftovers and then dinner will either be leftovers or a new meal. You can even just use your leftovers for lunch and cook a different meal each night.

    I've found the quickest dinners are seared chicken breasts or fish (I prefer cod, I don't like anything that tastes too fishy) and roasted sweet potatoes (or even faster, a microwaved "baked" sweet potato/potato), and some stir-fried frozen veggies. I just recently made a dish that was just seasoned chicken breasts cooked on the stove (I used Goya Adobo seasoning) and then I took a small pot and heated up a can of diced tomatoes with Italian seasoning. Once heated and some of the moisture was cooked down, I added some feta cheese and poured the mixture on top of the chicken. It was amazing!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member