Is there any hope for smaller calves?

I've always had thick calves. I've been actively losing weight and exercising for 3 months now. I have lost about 16 lbs and I've lost inches from my arms, stomach, thighs, hips...everywhere except my calves. They haven't budged at all. Is there a way to slim down your calves or am I destined to never be able to wear knee high boots?


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Calves definitely have a lot to do with genetics. However, if you keep losing weight eventually your calves will look good too. Fat just comes off of your body the way it wants to, but eventually it will come off of everywhere if you keep losing it. I've never seen a girl with a low body composition and thought that her calves looked too big!
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    Calves definitely have a lot to do with genetics. However, if you keep losing weight eventually your calves will look good too. Fat just comes off of your body the way it wants to, but eventually it will come off of everywhere if you keep losing it. I've never seen a girl with a low body composition and thought that her calves looked too big!

    My calves are more muscular than fat. For being a bigger girl I've always had great legs. I just wish my calves were a couple inches smaller. I hate not being able to find boots that fit!
  • lrichelle
    lrichelle Posts: 54 Member
    Agree, a lot of it is genetics. I've always had big, muscular calves and probably always will. Since I started running, my legs are much more defined and lean, but I still need the wide-calf boots if I'm getting the knee high style. I've learned to appreciate the fact that I do have strong, lean legs and don't worry about it anymore.
  • imp8tient1
    imp8tient1 Posts: 25
    Please be very glad your calves are small.....I am built like a Clydesdale, legs and all! It's genetic, my gma, mom, are built like them too. I have always hated my knees and calves....I don't own a pair of shorts, never have. I am determined to get some knees that don't look like an am doing heavy exercise every day. Be very, very, happy you have small calves. MUCH easier to live with! I AM glad my legs work, don't get me wrong....just hate them. OH, and I have the boot problem too, but I did find some last year that actually get around my calves! At Ross.....believe me, I was THRILLED! Didn't cost extra, was pretty good price...about 25.00.