Unsure of the changes I need to make...

Hi everyone, I'm a 23 YO female who wants to lose 1.5 stone. I am due to get married next year but have been trying to lose weight for the last year with very little movement. I already eat a fairly healthy diet (apart from PMS couple of days where I struggle not to eat everything in sight). I even did the Carol Vorderman 28 day detox, I lasted 21 days as all it did was made me poorly and I lost no weight = no benefits (I did that to the book). I exercise frequently (running, pump, combat, yoga, 30 day shred...) but at a loss with why I'm not losing weight. Thought I would try this... and try sticking this out and make sure I'm being honest... any tips or ideas???


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Your diary isn't open.

    How many calories are you eating, what's your height, current weight, and goal weight?
  • Are you eating enough calories? Have you tried the ultimate reset?
  • My diary what is that?? I dunno I've been maintaining 1200 - although today has been a PMS day =S... tbh probably still managed around 1200 but no with the right things. I struggle to get to 1200 eating "right" things though as they are low in calories - when I did the Carol Vorderman detox (I finished Sunday) I worked out that I was probably eating around 700kcals daily maybe 900 at a push... that was eating all I could manage (muesli - breakfast, nuts or fruit - snack, salad or jacket - lunch and veggie something dinner)
  • Whats the ultimate reset?
  • How many calories are you eating, what's your height, current weight, and goal weight?

    Eating around 1200ish.... exercising 4-6 times a week between 300-900kcals (according to this) a time, 5'4", 152lbs with goal of 135lbs
  • It's not all about the calories! You have to take into consideration fat, carbs, sodium, sugar, etc.
  • Sandylovesm
    Sandylovesm Posts: 242 Member
    Your diary is where you log your food. You can open it so that people know what you eat and could help you by giving advice based on what they found in your diary.
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Are you tracking your food? By asking what the diary is i assume you are not because your food diary is where you track your food for the day. If you are not tracking your food it could be you are not consuming at 1200 calorie diet. Do you snack a lot throughout the day? Those things add up. Do you weigh and messure your food? What we tend to think a serving is, is usually more than one serving sometimes much more.

    And I know some people will not agree with me on this one but I do believe what you eat is much more imporant than the calories you eat, i do track my calories and stay with-in my target and I eat anywhere from 1500 to 2000 calories a day and I loose 2-3 pounds on average a week. I eat clean foods, stay away from the processed stuff as much as I can, cook myself instead of eating out. I do not eat the prepacked frozen meals.
  • I think I have opened it to public now. I know I normally have low fat, can't seem to keep sugar down unless I cut fruit out of my diet =S. The worst thing about dieting was not eating with my family. So I've been extremely healthy all day including snacks and then having a small plates portion of our family meal (not necessarily unhealthy but probably not always diet friendly). I am hoping doing this alongside exercise may help.
  • ChrystalDutton
    ChrystalDutton Posts: 84 Member
    your calories are consistently under 1200. If you starve yourself your body will hold onto and store everything it can which can cause an opposite effect. I learned that the hard way too... try eating at least 1200 a day, i upped mine to 1300 and saw results. Also try to keep carbs under 150, lots of protein and drink lots of water!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I think I have opened it to public now. I know I normally have low fat, can't seem to keep sugar down unless I cut fruit out of my diet =S. The worst thing about dieting was not eating with my family. So I've been extremely healthy all day including snacks and then having a small plates portion of our family meal (not necessarily unhealthy but probably not always diet friendly). I am hoping doing this alongside exercise may help.

    one of the reasons your sugar is high is because you eat low fat they replace the fat with sugar. remember that Fruit is real sugar not processed sugar you are much better to replace processed low-fat stuff with some real foods than cutting out your fruit.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Oh gosh.

    You're starving yourself. Eat more. And read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    I'm 5'5" and started at 150. I got down to 120 eating 1500 cals a day with a lot less exercise than you're doing.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but you aren't eating enough. I don't lose a thing if I drop below 1400 calories and every plateau I've beaten was caused by undereating. Either log your exercise with MFP and eat back the earned calories or plug your numbers into a TDEE calculator like http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ and eat about 20% less. You need to eat enough to fuel all that activity.
  • I did yesterday and have done on this before... its the first time I've done it like this, I've just used the app before and never asked for help etc or got involved in this side of things. I have muesli that I make myself (oats, mixed nuts, seeds, dried fruit with almond milk - measure 262kcals) for breakfast, love fruit so that for snack, salad or baked tattie with beans for lunch with no butter or cheese and a small plate of family dinner. I do have naughty foods that if I fancy I've tried getting healthier like I found this Propercorn which is an healthy alternative to crisps as a treat and frozen yogurt (these I've recently been told about for sweet tooth cravings - healthier options)....
  • I haven't cut out fruit, I love it too much but from the numbers on my app it shows that's where the red numbers on sugars are coming from =S
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    Another one in for you're not eating enough, not even close! You should be NETTING at least 1200. Which means, you eat your 1200 as well as eating back your exercise calories. MFP already has you set at a deficit, so you need to eat your exercise calories back. You are starving your body and not even giving it enough fuel to perform basic functions such as digestion.

    Or, you could calculate your TDEE -20% and eat that amount of calories. That is what I do and I have had great success. I believe someone above me posted the link for IPOARM.
  • How do I eat that amount of calories without eating junk food (unhealthy foods) any tips, meal alternatives?

    Would really like the help.... wanting to try really hard (sooner I'm the weight I'm happy with sooner I get to go dress shopping :happy: )
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    How do I eat that amount of calories without eating junk food (unhealthy foods) any tips, meal alternatives?

    Peanut butter (check the sugar and sodium content of what you buy)
    Shell Fish

    I'll double check my diary setting and you can look at my diary for what I eat during the day. I have issues with my sodium some days but my calories are always above 1500 calories these days. you'll see I eat lots of food.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How do I eat that amount of calories without eating junk food (unhealthy foods) any tips, meal alternatives?

    Would really like the help.... wanting to try really hard (sooner I'm the weight I'm happy with sooner I get to go dress shopping :happy: )

    If you're honestly full with the amount of food you're eating then you can try adding in more calorie dense foods to each meal. Full-fat dairy, cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, nuts & nut butters, seeds, olive oil, avocado are all good choices. Get rid of any low-fat, low-cal stuff you're eating as those often pack in extra sugars to make up for what they take out. If you can't eat more, include a protein shake or smoothie in your diet somewhere.

    The most important thing to remember is that this is a lifestyle change. If you can't figure out what to eat now then what are you going to do when you reach your goal and move to maintenance? By learning to boost your calories now to a more sustainable level you'll be able to keep the weight off long term.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm guessing you are not accurately tracking your food. Just eat a balanced diet, add some cardio and weight training for overall fitness (weight loss pretty much only needs a caloric deficit, but exercise is good for you) and accurately track your food (meaning no guessing). You could do 1200 if you were so inclined but you certainly don't have to. If you are overly hungry at 1200, up your intake. Find out what your maintenance calories are, eat any amount less than that, and barring medical issues, you will lose weight eventually. Be as exact as you can when tracking-- bust out the food scale and measuring cups.