Looking for new friends in their 40's

kay930 Posts: 54 Member
Hi my name is Kay & I am looking for some new friends in or around 40 years old. I am 41 and I need to lose about 80 pounds! I am a Mom to 3 kids ages, 17, 9 and 6. I would love to connect with other Moms or Dads that are busy trying to lose weight & keep it all together while raising a family. I am finding that trying to lose weight now that I'm am older is A LOT harder than it was when I was younger. Anyone interested please feel free to add me as a friend.


  • Susieout
    Susieout Posts: 102 Member
    I'll add you,
  • TraciRazz
    TraciRazz Posts: 12
    Hi! 45 year old busy mom, starting over on this whole diet thing. Some success in the past, then the inevitable self sabotage. Would love some new friends to encourage, and be encouraged along the way! :flowerforyou:
  • jsdcap
    jsdcap Posts: 46 Member
    I am with you, 2 kids also
  • TraciRazz
    TraciRazz Posts: 12
    Oh, yeah, my kids are 23, 18, and 9, with an almost 3 year old grandson who lives at home also! Spacing the kids out definitely reeked havoc on my waist line! Looking to lose at least 40 lbs if not more.
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    G'day!!...Im the around 40 part...will be 39 in sept....I have 2 boys,trying MFP yet again,I know it works,i lost weight..but again fell off the wagon...I agree,the older you get the harder it seems..anyway feel free to add me,anyone can!! good luck to you:smile:
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Mid 40's and in a contstant battle. No end to the war insight. Added
  • paticrews
    paticrews Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kay, Im 42 years old with teenagers and I also need to lose 80lb. We can keep each other motivated!
  • Maikana2
    Maikana2 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there. I am 40 with 2 kids, ages 5 & 3. I am busy and it is REALLY MUCH harder to lose weight than in my 20s.
  • RebeccaJ0405
    RebeccaJ0405 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 39, four kids, and would love more friends!
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    43 year old Mom with a wonderful 13 year old bottomless pit of a young man who works 2 jobs who is willing to befriend others on this Awesome path. Isn't it funny how much our kids eat without a care and here we are trying to turn back the hands of bad habbits? We sat down the other night and watched Super Size Me and I think it took my son until the next day to talk to me....I think if I bought him $20 of Mc Chicken sandwiches he would eat them until they were gone or he went into a coma. The change in the house is killing him in his mind and in mine, I am finally teaching him what his father (no longer together) and I have over looked. Good luck, I am here for a while with at least 50 more pounds to go.
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    I sent you a request. I am a mom of 2 teens and always welcome new friends. Anyone can add me! Peace!
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Hello I'm turning 40 next month if anybody wants to add me feel free to do so.

    I'm currently doing insanity and closing in on my goal weight ????
  • Bernella
    Bernella Posts: 1
    I just turned 40 eight days ago. I have two children 16 and 14. Working full time taking care of home and taking courses while trying to loose weight has been an adventure. Would enjoying adding you and anyone in the same situation we can help each other stay motivated.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm on the upper end (48) but feel free to add me. I'm in the midst of that fun time called perimenopuase.