95 lbs down, 55lbs to go

I'm new to MFP and message boards in general, I love the support I see on this site. I began my lifestyle change 10/1/09 and have lost 95lbs. I'm motivated to follow my diet changes but can't seem to stick with an exercise plan. Life truly is good and I'm looking forward to losing another 55lbs and reaching my goal:happy:


  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats on the great success, what are you secrets?? How did you do it? Good luck on the next 55 pounds this is a great site for motivation and support!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    may i suggest jillian michaels 30 day shred? it's a 20 minute workout, works you and keeps the heartrate up, but it short enough that it's not a daunting task.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    :bigsmile: CONGRATS and hang in there. I would start out with a 30 minute walk then finish up with some arm exercises using weights. Check YouTube or MSN Fitness for Fitness tips!

    Happy Weight Loss:flowerforyou:
  • SassyMissDasha
    Wow that's fantastic! How did you lose 95 lbs in 5 months?? Congrats!!
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Thanks for the exercise suggestions! I have tried the Biggest Loser Cardio Work out and I walk everyday. I will try the Jillian Michaels dvd...20 minutes certainly sounds realistic. I'm definitely a stress eater and most of my stress was work related, so I changed positions, stopped eating out every day and began to follow the Weight Watchers diet plan. I'm not much of one to attend meetings so I don't go to the WW meetings. After years of failed diets, I finally realized that diets (in my mind) don't work. So I don't think of what I'm doing as a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I have some very supportive friends. But until you've actually been morbidly obese, I don't think you can really understand what it's like. I think that's what I like about this site. It doesn't matter if a person only has to lose 10 pounds or 150, everyone is so helpful. So thanks again for all the suggestions!
  • mazza53
    mazza53 Posts: 11
    Wow Robin you have done amazingly well and sounds like you have really got your head together so the rest is bound ot come off in time.

    I like you am not one for attending meetings, i joined Slimming World abut 3yrs ago and loved the plan but the class consultant i found patronising as she was forever saying how she lost 3 stone an if she could do it anyone could and there was me wanting to lose around 10 :-(

    I did lose nearly 2 but then just fell off the wagon.

    I really feel different this time though and this last few weeks have changed my attitude to eating.