Can't sleep due to hunger?

I've been wanting to lose weight for quite a while now, but every time I tried to cut back on my calorie intake, I'd end up binging before bed. Today I finally made it a whole day without eating too much. I really need to get skinny because it's getting hot out and everyone is pulling out their summer clothing/swimsuits, so I can't give up this time. Though I can't seem to fall asleep now. I've been laying in bed for 3 hours and I'm so hungry. Anyone ever have this problem before? What did/would you do? Any relaxation techniques to get my mind off of the food? Thanks a bunchies for any advice!

Sorry, I didn't know that my food diary wasn't open, I think its open now.

My age is 18 and I'm 5'6. My weight is 133 and my goal is to be at least 124.


  • samsteve2012
    samsteve2012 Posts: 53 Member
    dont go to bed hungry, your body is telling you that you need to eat, your obviously not eating enough :huh:
  • acctkat
    acctkat Posts: 3
    First of all, make sure you are spacing your calories out evenly throughtout the day. eat eat 6 times a day, and drink 8 ounces of water before you eat, and then again after you eat. (And if you are still super hungry eat some carrots, celery, or cucumber as they wont add much to your overall calories. I experienced this my first few days hitting my calorie goal, and this has helped, but sometimes I just am still hungry even though I have had plenty to eat, so I drink lots of water.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If I couldn't sleep due to hunger, I would eat something.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    For better advice, you'll need to give specifics - age, height, current weight, goal weigh, exercise routine, and open your food diary. If you're truly hungry and not just bored or craving something then you might not be eating enough. You said that you've "finally made it a whole day without eating much" which again makes me think you're not eating enough. Too big of a calorie deficit can be as big a hindrance to weight loss as too little of one. This post has links to resources for figuring out your calorie goals. It's a good read:

    Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First of all, make sure you are spacing your calories out evenly throughtout the day. eat eat 6 times a day, and drink 8 ounces of water before you eat, and then again after you eat. (And if you are still super hungry eat some carrots, celery, or cucumber as they wont add much to your overall calories. I experienced this my first few days hitting my calorie goal, and this has helped, but sometimes I just am still hungry even though I have had plenty to eat, so I drink lots of water.
    This wouldn't work for me at all. Eating 6 times a day (small meals presumably) leaves me hungrier than 2-3 larger meals.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Open up your diary, so we can see how much you're actually eating and what foods they are.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you are hungry your body is saying "feed me seymore" you should probably listen or your stomach will eat through you leaving a gaping whole where it should be.
  • CourtneyLin40
    CourtneyLin40 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, it happens to me from time to time. i just get up and eat some low calorie cereal (like kashi go lean or something) with some almond milk. It's only about 200 calories and you feel way better after.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I agree with the others - we need to know more about you including your current age, height and weight as well as what you're eating now to help you determine what to do differently.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I make sure I leave enough cals so I can have an evening snack I usually have air popped popcorn, also you might want to try drinking warm tea before bed, maybe having an apple with some peanut butter, hummus on cucumbers is only about 60 cals for 2 Tbs hummus, the key is to find foods you oike that are low in cals so you can eat a fairly large quanity without the calories and fat, hope this helps

    If we can see what u r eating it would help
  • anafallen
    anafallen Posts: 4
    I opened up my diary!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    #1- you only want to lose a few pounds and are already starting at a 'normal healthy weight'- so it will be a slower road. (esp if done in a healthy manner)

    #2- you really do need to eat more than 524 calories a day. your body will just backfire with so little nutrition. and you'll end up tired, grumpy, 'eating' at your own muscles (and, don't forget, your heart is a muscle, too), maybe even messing up your hormones.

    #3- the mods here may notice you are underage. I think it's 18 yr old to be here.

    Don't sacrifice your health to fit into a smaller size.

    (edited for the typos I actually caught)
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    No wonder you are still hungry! You are not eating nearly enough. Eating so little will shut your metabolism down and you won't lose much weight at all.

    You should be hitting your goal everyday. The point is to get close to that goal without going over too much as MFP is already creating a deficit in the basic calorie consumption that your body needs on a daily basis to maintain your current weight. Your body isn't getting enough food to perform proper basic bodily functions. You need calories for your organs to work correctly. You will still lose weight eating 1300 calories a day. And you definitely can't get enough nutrients with so few calories.

    And another thing- eating 700-800 calories a day will require that is all you can eat once you hit your goal and need to maintain your goal weight or else you will balloon and gain it all back quickly.

    My best suggestion since you are fairly young is to do some research on how MFP, weight loss and how your metabolism works. Starving yourself is not how getting in shape works. That will only do you more harm than good.

    I would also suggest doing some strength training. Muscle burns a lot of calories every day so the more muscle you have, the more calorie burn you have throughout the day. And don't forget that muscle weighs more so if you do strength training or lifting, you may gain some weight but be more lean due to the compact and dense muscle fibers.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    You are hungry because you have eaten less than 600 calories today. I wouldn't be able to sleep on that either. Especially having just a pickle and a cucumber for dinner.

    You mentioned in your OP that you have trouble sticking to diets -- I would seriously, strongly recommend more calories. Then you will be able to stick to it better, and lose weight because you can consistently eat under your limit.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    You have only had 524 cal. Your body is telling you you are hungry because it needs more food. This is not just a craving this is your body screaming feed me. Please talk to your doctor about a healthy diet to make sure you don't do any permanent damage to your body.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Please, talk to a specialist (doctor, counselor, therapist, etc) because 2 egg whites is not a breakfast and an apple and cream cheese triangles is not a lunch. You have a problem with food and you need help. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ummm...'cuz you need to eat. Why does everyone think they need to starve themselves to lose weight? The calorie goal MFP gives you has a built in calorie deficit for weight loss. It is a GOAL...a goal is something to be achieved. If you exercise and log it you also get extra calories because MFP is a NEAT method calculator so it doesn't take any exercise into account when you select your activity level (unlike a TDEE calculator).

    Please eat are starving your body. Weight loss doesn't need to hurt, nor should it. I lost nearly 40 Lbs and had nary a hunger pang along the way.
  • anafallen
    anafallen Posts: 4
    Thank you all for the advice. I'll definitely try to eat more through out the day!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    First of all, make sure you are spacing your calories out evenly throughtout the day. eat eat 6 times a day, and drink 8 ounces of water before you eat, and then again after you eat. (And if you are still super hungry eat some carrots, celery, or cucumber as they wont add much to your overall calories. I experienced this my first few days hitting my calorie goal, and this has helped, but sometimes I just am still hungry even though I have had plenty to eat, so I drink lots of water.
    I agree eat more calories during the day so you won't bing.