A snapshot of Michelle Bridges 12WBT...

Since Monday this week I've been following Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) and would like to your opinions on the overall plan. My diary should be public. What do you think of the food plan so far? Is it something you could sustain for life?

The idea is that I'm limited to 1200 calories a day, I exercise 6 days a week and aim to burn up to 500 calories per workout. I'm not to eat my burnt calories back. Once I have reached my goal weight, my calorie allowance will go up to 1500 calories a day. So far I'm a little hungry but my body is agjusting well. The food is really delicious and a nice change to my usual staple diet of fruit, vegetables, nuts, rice, meat and wine! The exercise is nicely split up, e.g one day cardio, next day strength and toning, next day cardio... I really like this way of working out and I'm not too sore from doing her videos (which seem similar to 30DS, maybe less intense and they run for longer). Just to give you an idea of my body type, I'm 25, 5'2", 152lbs and have a 31" waist. I would like to drop down to around 136lbs and get my waist around 29".

So what are your thoughts on the 12WBT? Does it seem like a well balanced and maintainable health plan?


  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
  • SaskyB
    SaskyB Posts: 19 Member

    I too am following 12wbt (2nd round). A baby happened in my previous attempt and carb cravings got the better of my under 2000cal attempt.

    I am finding I naturally sit between the 1200 and 1500 and the weight is coming off steadily. However I am aware of people that have been doing her program for years and have lost 40+kgs. Although not yet at their goal weight they all seem to have a greater reliance on fitness now and have bumped up their calorie intake to the 1500 - 1700 mark. They also take an extra rest day. They aren't convinced that the medical recommended goal weight is correct as they now are doing triathlons, obstacle courses at half marathon length, ocean swimming etc. and feel hot and strong approx 6kgs above the whole bmi recommendation.

    Daily calories, BMI, recommended healthy weights are all important topics that have been talked through a lot in the introductory posts here on MFP. I still read through them as I fumble through my week trying to wade through all the info.

    I think this part of the program is very geared for those needing to lose the weight. But people are so impressed with the maintenance + love of exercise that they develop that they come back for more. The people I know, manage and plan their own food etc, have their own training program's and generally tap into Michelle's resources to support them. Not many of the peeps I 've spoken too believe in 1200 for life and have all felt the hypo from not having enough fuel and training hard.

    I am burning 400 - 500 cals a workout. And of course am trying to mix it up.

    I have a family of 5 so am altering family favs to fit within the calorie count and adopting some of Mish's recipes. I don't want any of my children on fat free diets as we all work hard and play hard.

    One thing I am desperate to avoid is saggy skin. So I am happy to lose a little slower and do my workouts to effect. With my twin pregnancy I put on 4.5 stone. .... I have no idea how :).

    I wish you all the best motivation, time to prepare, time to reflect, and time to just do it! Nothing is a set back just a lesson in our own health journey.

    Love xo.
  • kazlee66
    kazlee66 Posts: 25
    Hi. I too am doing Round 2..
    I need to lose a lot of weight and I only really started the 12WBT in order to gain some more education and ideas and have the support. I had lost 8.4kg prior to starting simply by following my TDEE. I lost my weight on 1600-1800 Calories per day to give you an idea and I am not doing 1200 now. I tried but I was so hungry, that lead to being frustrated which lead to a binge.
    I decided a few days ago to up my calories to 1400 since it's 200-400 under what I was eating before (when I was already losing weight) and make sure I keep up exercise doing 5 days per week (I clean on Friday nights, I also suffer OCD badly when it comes to this lol) so I'm not stressed about it .
    I think you have to listen to your body over anything else. if you feel fine eating 1200 then do that but don't eat under that as you could be harming your body. But if you're hungry eat a lil more just pick a healthy snack.

    Even though I've extended my cals per day those 200 calories are put to good use, I only use them for healthy snacks and most nights I don't hit the 1400 calories but its nice to know it's there if I need it. I also don't eat back calories earned through exercise.

    Good luck with the journey. I hope it works out for you both.
  • bearcrusher
    bearcrusher Posts: 90
    I don't know much about the 12wbt but eating between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercising daily sounds like an excellent weight loss plan. Especially with a mix of cardio and weight lifting. Doesn't even sound like a weight loss plan. It sounds like good common sense
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    My sister did round 1 and lost 10% in the 12 week period. She found the Sunday session hard where you aim to burn more calories (sorry can't remember how much, but can ask).

    I found it a bit disturbing that Michelle's own website allows you to calculate your BMR and doesn't make allowance for this during the 12 week period, but she thinks it's ok, she now knows how to cook and what the portion sizes should look like.

    We basically have agreed to disagree on the calorie level. I lost the same amount in a 16 week period on about 1500.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member

    Start a lifestyle change now that you can maintain :flowerforyou:
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member

    Start a lifestyle change now that you can maintain :flowerforyou:

    Why do you say no? Perhaps I forgot to add my own opinion, I could easily maintain this lifestyle, I love the structure and once at my goal weight, I can be a little more lenient on how many calories I eat. Frankly I would still like to eat below 1500, anything over and I'd feel like I was carrying a bowling ball in my stomach!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I'm against mb 12wbt

    in my opinion if you can't sustain it for life, then that diet fails you, you don't fail that diet.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    I'm against mb 12wbt

    in my opinion if you can't sustain it for life, then that diet fails you, you don't fail that diet.

    Fair enough, programs like this aren't for everyone, just as not everyone can be an athlete. That's the thing about human beings, we are so diverse. Even in ancient times we weren't all built the same, some were warriors, some hunters, some gatherers, some slaves, some kept women, some nurses/carers, some runners, some well fed royalty and some travellers.

    I say if it works for you go for it, to hell with what anyone else says. I simply like to gather opinions, it's sort of the internet version of people watching!
  • emseedubya
    emseedubya Posts: 15 Member
    I am doing round 2 and have lost 1 kg a week so far. For me, the diet as it stands is not maintainable for life. I need a little flexibility so I allow myself two treat meals; one Sat and one Sun at dinner. I haven't always used the one on Sunday though.

    . Her meal plan is basically just to eat a balanced low GI diet. Aim for 300 cals at each meal which allows 300 cal wiggle room for snacks. I don't follow her menu, it's too much work cooking from a recipe all the time. But my days still end up with relatively balanced carbs/fat/protein with a 33/33/33 balance as my goal. I'm never going to or want to be that person who reads every food label and obsesses over eating clean at every single meal. I'm more concerned in the long run with 're-assessing what a portion size looks like and sticking to a single portion of whatever I want. Not every day or every meal, but I'm going to eat a cupcake and have a Subway cookie again and since those can be 600 cal each I don't think 1200 cal is realistic everyday. But it's an awesome goal for most days!

    I haven't been doing 6 sessions a week either, though that is my goal long-term. More than anything else, her mind-set videos are what's helping me. I have had all the tools to lose the weight for a long time but needed someone to help me work through the psychology of it all to take the step towards keeping this off.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Netting 700 calories a day sounds very unhealthy. You're going to burn lean muscle mass. Sounds like a starvation diet, IMO.
  • chardy78
    Netting 700 calories a day sounds very unhealthy. You're going to burn lean muscle mass. Sounds like a starvation diet, IMO.

    I cant say that it is a starvation diet. Im still lifting and dropping a 1kg week and building lean muscle. Ive tried eating more, and it has made me keep the fat on.

    This is a maintainable plan for me. Being as I am so process driven, I need to be told what to make each day, so I dont binge or buy food that is a bad choice.

    After eating "clean" for 8 months with no results at all, working out 4-6 days a week, I have seen results never before experienced in a very short time frame.