Rewarding ourselves with Food



  • joyfulrunner22
    joyfulrunner22 Posts: 33 Member
    All the research I have read says to never reward a weight loss goal with food. Food is what made us overweight to begin with, your rewarding the behavior you are trying to get rid of.

    If you want to eat at this restaurant, fit it into your calories for the day. You should not be cutting out the things you love, because it could lead to over eating.

    I personally use clothes as my reward. It is something you can always use, and it is a constant reminder of how hard you worked to fit into it.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I'm beginning to understand how much of a vice food is for me. Rewarding myself for hitting the 15 pound mark has led to a week long descent into food madness that I'm slowly getting control of again. Until I fully learn to see it as fuel I wont reward myself for it anymore.

    Edited to say: with it. I wont reward myself with it anymore.

    Food madness is my problem, too. I am trying to treat my weight loss experience the same way I treated cigarettes when I quit smoking. I'm an addict, which includes my thoughts and feelings as well as physical cravings. It's better for me to look at food as fuel and choose other rewards... like an extra-long walk at dawn with a friend, new clothes, a new book, or other nice reward.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog!!!

    Think about a lasting item you really want. Maybe add money to a "piggy bank" for your goals and when you have enough for the one thing you want, go get it!! It will be a reminder of your success and it is something that lasts and you wanted it!!