Place of workout?

Just curious as to where the majority of people workout... at home or at the gym?


  • Kellihulst
    Kellihulst Posts: 140 Member
    I haven't been in a gym in years. With 3 small children it's too hard. But haven gotten in the best shape at home. Gotta love that!!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Home, gym, and great outdoors. I run outside, take Pilates classes at the gym (and sometimes go for stationary bike and/or stair master as cross-training for running), and do 30 Day Shred or other dvd workouts at home.
  • TJMiddaugh
    TJMiddaugh Posts: 67 Member
    exercising home, running outdoors
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Home. Gym is way too expensive. And run outside.
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Home, would like to eventually venture out to the gym.
  • TJMiddaugh
    TJMiddaugh Posts: 67 Member
    ive been geting better results since ive been doing home training. the weights are never occupied, the music is never lacking inspiration, theres no lengthy conversations to be had, and i can make all the weird noises and poses i want :)
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    Used to always be the gym, but lately --since I've started doing shorter workouts, many of them ZWOWs--t's been at home, outdoors (we live in HI).

    edited to fix typos. :)
  • gingersnaps828
    Kelli what types of exercises/workouts do you do at home? I also prefer working out at home due to family, work and personal schedules and preference. I have a recumbant bike, and Wii fit, and I love doing Wii Zumba and Just Dance. All fun and excellent workouts. I need to try and find some strength training and toning, however. But this is my first week so still workin it all out :)
  • lhourin
    lhourin Posts: 144 Member
    (Kelli, like you, I've probably gotten in the best shape of my life at home, and that's even after years of being a personal trainer and even teaching entire view of fitness--and diet!--have changed pretty drastically in the past two years)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Home. I've never set foot in a gym.
  • iamspdd
    iamspdd Posts: 134 Member
    I started at home while it was winter and while I was obese. Now I am just overweight and it's spring so I run outside and go for long bike rides with my 38 pound daughter on the back of the bike. The view is so much better outside than inside a gym. Oh, and it's free.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Just curious as to where the majority of people workout... at home or at the gym?

    Gym, however if I find any set of bars I can do dips off of anywhere during anytime of day even in a suit I will bust out some dips ... this includes such things like escalators or in the corner of a elevator if it has those rails .(why are those rails even there ??? FOR DIPS!!!!)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Lucky for me I work on a college campus and the campus gym is fairly close to my office.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I mix it up. In the winter I mostly work out at the gym or at home but I also snowboard at least weekly and try to go snowshoeing. In the summer, I don't even know WHY I keep my gym membership. I'm always working out outside!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Home with Jillian, gym in my apartment building for weights, and running outside. I can't afford to join an actual gym, even the one where I used to work.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Home--Partly because "naptime" offers me the PERFECT opportunity, and partly because I'm way too self-conscious to really work out hard anywhere else. I walk outside around my neighborhood 3 times a week ~ 3 miles
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Home, my husband and i usually workout together. Once he gets home we are going to add boxing to our Insanity workout since we have a big punching bag and its an awesome workout!
    I sometimes go for a run with my friend, but i don't really run much as it caused me to be injured before.
    And of course I play outside with my kiddies, that's the funnest workout!!
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    I definitely need my room/money in my small apartment for weights or classes! :P my apartment has a very, VERY small gym that I hate, but it's nice for a bit of cardio when I'm pressed for time. Otherwise, I actually get more motivation to get in shape when I have a gym membership...I gained about 15 pounds when I cancelled it for my new crappy apartment gym. :blushing: Once I'm rich, though, I'm totally buying a home gym!
  • Hrl1993
    Hrl1993 Posts: 106 Member
    Home and outside!

    I'm surprised how few people said gym.