Ab Exercises

jdier Posts: 110 Member
I recently ran across some awesome ab workouts in Fitness magazine (my favorite!). How often should I do these ab exercises? Is every day too much? Thanks for your imput! :smile:


  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I have read that you shouldn't strength train the same body part two days in a row. So give yourself a day to rest, like every other day or so. Good luck!:wink:
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Honestly, I do my arms and abs after every workout.. I have seen so much improvement in my arms and shoulders. I tend to workout 5 days a week.. and like I said. I do it after every work out.. its like 45-55mins of cardio and then I do my arms & abs (5-10mins) and then I stretch everything out really good. Thats just me.. hope it helps.
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    I do mine 5 days a week and am ok - they seem to recover far quicker than legs or arms. I've heard reports both pro and con daily work - see what your body is comfortable with. I sure don't do any strength training 2 days in a row but abs workout seems to be fine...

    Here's a good video for relative beginners

    Good luck!