Breakfast - Shake and prunes?

My understanding is that you need a good amount of carbs in the morning. With that, I only have about 10-15 min after I wake up to get around and leave the house. I've been doing good about at least grabbing a shake (usually the Atkins protein) right when I wake up, work out about 45 min later and then eat a bigger breakfast. Would a few prunes for the fiber and carbs be bad to add to that? I'm not worried at all about any sudden flushing effects b/c my body responds well to prunes and I do like them. And the prunes would be good since I can just pop 5 or 6 in and be done after my shake. Or would a banana be the better choice?


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'd be a little concerned about the sugar, but no harm in giving it a try and seeing how it goes.
  • nwarguy
    nwarguy Posts: 19
    I'd be a little concerned about the sugar, but no harm in giving it a try and seeing how it goes.

    I think (not certain though) that I don't have a whole lot of sugar throughout the day, so I don't think that would be too hard on me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Um. Eat whatever you want. Fit it into your day. Done and done. No magical food combos or meal timing is necessary. Keep it simple.