Girl problems :/



  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    haha, I though it was just me that got like that cause I never knew anybody else that had those cravings. though for me its not before my period its always the very first day of it, after that first day im fine though.

    I don't really let it bother me much though on account of the fact that its only one day and one day isn't going to kill me or destroy my diet. Since I have dedicated "cheat day" every week when it comes around I just make that my cheat day and let it go.

    don't get me wrong though, I don't binge, I just eat without counting calories and what I eat isn't always going to be healthy.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    Lol... I seriously hope you are kidding.
    I'm serious. Why would someone want to menstruate when there are safe and easy ways to prevent it? My mom got novasure done and now she doesn't have periods and I'm totally amenorrheic anyway but I take birth control pills just in case.

    If you are done having children I agree. I had an endometrial ablation in 2006 and haven't had a period since. No cravings or PMS or anything. Best thing since sliced bread.
  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    Ummm most definitely. In the same boat right now. I get huge cravings for chocolate. I really really wanted to gorge on eating a bunch of reeses and any kind of chocolate I could put my hang on. But I fought through it and instead ate 15 Hershey's dark chocolate chips the kind you use for cookies and a half a banana with PB2. Enough to satisfy my chocolate and peanut butter urges without having to spend a lot of calories. I love the chocolate chips though because they satisfy my chocolate cravings and I can eat them slowly while still feeling like I have a lot :smile:

    Love the chocolate chip idea...especially when adding it with fruit! Great idea.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Stock up on healthy snacks......saying that though I so crave carbs......!!!!

    My last period I just ate what ever I wanted lol........!!!

    Drink lots of water
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    I personally wouldn't recommend this to a 19 year old.

    Anyone LIKE having your period, so you know for sure you're not preggo (even on birth control)? I sure do!
    I just eat what I'm craving, within reason. Fried chicken and dill pickle chips!
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    I personally wouldn't recommend this to a 19 year old.

    Anyone LIKE having your period, so you know for sure you're not preggo (even on birth control)? I sure do!
    I just eat what I'm craving, within reason. Fried chicken and dill pickle chips!

    This. Lol I want to have kids some day, just not at this time :P
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    I personally wouldn't recommend this to a 19 year old.

    Anyone LIKE having your period, so you know for sure you're not preggo (even on birth control)? I sure do!
    I just eat what I'm craving, within reason. Fried chicken and dill pickle chips!

    This. Lol I want to have kids some day, just not at this time :P
    You could always go on the pill and take an active pill every day.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Wish I had an excuse like this to eat chocolate and anything in sight.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Depends, some months I even forget I'm on it - as in zero pain, cramps and emotional outbursts. Some months I'm a train wreck with my bin filled with chocolate wrappers stuck at home. On those months I know keeping to your exercise is best, even if its the last thing in the world you want to do, simply because the release of endorphins and fresh air gives you the kick chocolate does, plus you have a sense of accomplishment rather than guilt.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    Lol... I seriously hope you are kidding.
    I'm serious. Why would someone want to menstruate when there are safe and easy ways to prevent it? My mom got novasure done and now she doesn't have periods and I'm totally amenorrheic anyway but I take birth control pills just in case.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I dont understand that. that is how we were created. It sucks but if it aint broke dont fix it