Are there any business owners out there?



  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    While I am not a business owner I do have a marketing degree, and a business degree(s). I am a pricing analyst and empower decision makes about make/buy strategies, etc.

    from the sounds of it you are selling something. They say the first people you sell to is family. Then the family helps by word of mouth. Then you have social media to assist, along with other marketing strategies, etc.

    Map out a plan, much like dieting and stick to it make changes along the road.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    As a small business owner for the last almost 20 years, you need to have pasion for what you do and sell. If you don't 100% believe in your product(s), it just won't work.

    My advice (for what it's worth): Take a step back and re-evaluate if this is the right occupation for you. If you truly believe it is the you need to look at your approach, your target customers, your sales materials, etc and see if you need to alter something.

    I do believe in the products, I love the products. I do feel that it is the right occupation for me. Maybe I just need to be a little more assertive, but I don't want people thinking that I am aggressive.... I need to find a happy medium.

    I own a franchise, which is a lot more secure. The problem you're encountering is the fact that you're competing against big names industries that uses millions in advertisements, that has TEAMS who individuals to sell the products. Companies like Avon or Arbonne are Pyramide scheme companies. Which is bad and you need to get out of it ASAP. The highest ranked members makes their money not by selling it to customers but selling kits to people like yourself.

    In anyway, that is my two cents and good luck with it. I strongly advise you to research that company in depth before you get in too deep.

    I'm not in either of the companies you mentioned, but a blanket statement like that is ridiculous. Most businesses are Pyramid Schemes. Ever look at a normal corporate structure? Pyramid Schemes are illegal and getting shut down every day.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I do an in home party type of direct sales as well, and I agree I think you really have to love the product you sale for others to want to buy it. Have you talked to your friends & family? That’s how I got started off a couple years ago. Also facebook is a great way to share (I know some companies don’t allow that though) but you can even create a page for people to “like” so you are not filling up your news feed with your business stuff. It is like a real business though and if you want to make serious money you have to commit serious time regardless of what any one tells you!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    It sounds like you are on your own. You may be passionate about your products, and people like that. It sounds like the problem is closing the deal. This take experience, practice and a lot of listening. If you are not selling, you need to find out why. Is it price, quality, selection or colors? Sales experience is not just being positive, motivated and passionate. It requires answering objections with answers that matter to the customer. There are lots of books and websites, go read them! Check out Zig Zeigler.

    In terms of finding new people, that is a marketing issue. You can do parties where you offer to support a cause, a neighbor in need and do make up for free for people going out on interviews. I went to a husbands beer party to purchase Mother's Day gifts for our wives. Lots of marketing books out there too. Check out J. Conrad Levinson.

    You will have less rejection if you learn your craft.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Okay, here is an update....
    I did my debut party and it was great! Everyone had fun and I made sales! But the biggest thing is everyone had a great time and want to hold their own parties! It was great!!!!! :-)
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    What kind of product are you selling?

    Cosmetics and skincare products

    It takes at least a year to get things off the ground. Longer to pay off debt you went into, if any. Give it time.
    Like with anything else.
    Find a way to market yourself, that's lucrative.
    Survey Customers
    Solicit Testimonials
    Let Customers sample the Products
    Teens and woman in their 30's and 40's are great resource.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    UPDATE #2-
    I have booked 2 facials and I did a facial on Monday. I am really trying to work my way up to 15 facials in 15 days. I am practicing at home and I am going over the info of the products as I use them. The products really work, I believe in them so that wasn't the problem, it was believing in MYSELF. I can do this. I earned my money bag last night so now I want to earn my Perfect Start pin and Power Start pin. I can do this!!!!!