Baby pouch go bye bye???

Hey ladies! Can you help?
Here goes… I had my son at the end of January via c-section (my second c-section); I am working out 5 to 6 days a week, and doing awesome on my diet. I have a personal trainer I see once weekly (just stopped doing twice weekly) and I just started crossfit… My body is looking great; I’m losing inches off my waist, hips, legs, everywhere except this freaking baby POUCH! What am I doing wrong? I have been at this diet and exercise combo for months now and this pouch won’t go away or even shrink... With my first son it wasn’t nearly this bad… I’m lost and looking for any helpful advice, thanks!!! =)


  • hi,

    Well I never had a baby becomes I'm male; however I have had trouble losing weight. Belly fat is usually the last thing to go. Most people store all their fat there. Commonly the way you decrease this fat is by having an overall low body fat percentage. My suggestion is keeping moving forward like you are. In the meantime set other goals you can see results to maintain motivation. Your works will get you there. Possible nutrition suggestions. Lean proteins is most common. They will help build the muscle which burns fat. Then also the right fats. --- monounsaturated fats are best and then fiber. Fiber is often overlooked. I tend to call fiber the negative calorie. Your body doesn't digest fiber and fiber soaks up other calories as it passes through your digestive system. Fiber is also know to help burn belly fat. Start off with 25-30 grams a day. Fiber can leave you bloated so if you start to feel that way lean back some.

    Keep up the motivation you are doing great so far.
  • i recently posed that question on here, add me and check out my topics, some women have put some good advice on there :-)
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    It takes 11 month to regain elasticity there. Scientific fact