Plus 50 and fit?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I'm 53 and exercising 5 or 6 times a week.
    Recently did a VO2 max test and it came out in the excellent range - for an old fart.... :wink:

    Aiming to do my first ever 100 mile cycle before the end of June.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 55 and also need to get both knees replaced. Waiting for my husband to retire next year so that he will be able to care for me. I find that biking, elliptical and seated chair workouts help a lot. My physical therapist reminds me that "Motion is Lotion." He is correct. My knees feel much worse on days that I don't exercise. I have to listen to my body and work at my own level. I'm not sure that losing 71 pounds so far has helped with overall pain, but it sure hasn't made things worse!
    I'm 56 and working at it slowly. Waiting on knee replacement surgery so the exercise / fitness part is out of my life for now but working on keeping my food intake under control. Long way to go, but will makeit. Nice to meet you all
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    You look absolutely amazing! What an inspiration to see you looking absolutely beautiful covered in mud. Congratulations! I was also at 232 when I started and just made it into the 150s this week. Seeing your picture inspires me tremendously.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Boatsie you look A-MA-ZING! Great achievement, and inspiration to us all. :drinker:
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    60 is only 9 months away for me. I just started this journey a week ago and have stuck with it a day at a time. I started my food diary last Sunday and decided Wednesday to start walking. I'm only walking 3 miles and it takes about a hour but I know from experience I can't go from couch to marathon in a day. Fractured my foot, ended the journey, gave up, could have joined some place with an indoor pool but just said "poor me" and didn't.

    I refuse to be 60 pounds overweight on my 60th birthday. Stick with MFP and you'll meet your goals. I see your half way there on your weightloss already. Cheers to you!

    PS: I'm sure inspired by the Mud Runner!! Too cool.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm 52. Working on getting back into shape after a medical problem knocked me on my butt for a couple of years. I've lost 18 pounds, probably have 20 to go--they will be gone before the end of the summer.

    I just started strength training with a trainer, he asked me my goals and one of the, was to have 20% body fat in six months. He feels it's very doable. I'm signed up for three half marathons in the next eight months. I speed walk and do yoga. I workout a total of 9-10 hours a week. I eat clean, am working on 100% organic an unprocessed.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Here I am last May (2012), 57 years old at 232 pounds


    Here I am last weekend (May 2013) before my 1st Mud Run, 58 years young at 151 pounds


    Here I am after finishing my 1st Mud Run

    Here's a link to my story about the Mud Run that also includes a link to my story when I reached goal on Easter 2013

    You can certainly lose weight and get healthier if you really want to.

    You look wonderful! I loved reading your story. What an inspiration.

    I am 59, lost 17 pounds since April 1, and plan to lose another 30. I walk everywhere (I'm leaving my car in the driveway) and am doing C25K.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I love these stories!

    61 here :) I take a boot camp class twice a week, lift weights, hike, bike, etc. I'm probably in the best shape of my life after years of up & down dieting, sporadic fitness jags, two kids, etc. I joined MFP two years ago figuring I'd probably drop out after a week or so. Wrong!! I've lost almost 35 lbs and several pants sizes. My students have been admiring my "guns." Those itsy-bitsy bikini days were long ago, but I'm not embarrassed to wear a one piece swim suit (or anything sleeveless) these days, and I intend to rock high heels & skinny jeans until it gets really ridiculous for my age.
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    51 and getting fit and healthy and toned by the day! Lost 10kg/22lbs in 6 months (very slow I know) currently 59.6kg/131lbs- maybe 1-2kg to go to reach my target weight. Limit to 1500 - 1600 k/cal daily. Doing Indoor Rowing every other day (45 min) and on-water Dragon Boating 3x a week. Feeling great - looking great (if I say so myself :wink: ) - and am impressed with what I have achieved.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member


    Thank you for sharing. You are such an inspiration. You should post your photos at "sucess stories" section of MFP

    Keep up the good work

    You go girl!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I am a 60 year old female who is here every day to give and receive support. I am accepting friends who will eat at least 1200 calories per day, log in daily unless impossible and have an open food diary. . If you are still interested in being my friend please let me know! Thanks/Cindy
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 66 have lost 100 pounds and work out 6 days a week in addition to playing tennis, bike riding, and a few hoops pick up games.
    I don't believe age has much to do with it. It's how bad you want it. Being healthy makes me happy.

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am 54 and lost 46 pounds in 2012. I use the "over 10k steps a day" and yoga/Barre3 as my exercise, but am interviewing PT 's who use pilates/yoga/Barre to get people to the next level. I log my calories every day and weigh every day. I drink 8 glasses of water at least now. I am 5'8" and weigh 128 pounds now.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 56, been working at losing weight and improving my fitness since the turn of the year. I can now run 9 min miles, down from 12 min/mile in Jan and I am 3 lbs away from moving to overweight. My longest run so far is 5 miles and I do indoor cardio and resistance training regularly. I really didn't believe I could ever be this fit again and I feel great.
  • stuosborn
    stuosborn Posts: 4 Member
    You're an awesome inspiration to us!! Wow/
  • gmms57
    gmms57 Posts: 23 Member
    56 years old, currently 233...aiming for 145. Bought the Paleo Diet book this weekend, I have to eat gluten free, so thought the Paleo diet would be worth a try.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    56 years old, currently 233...aiming for 145. Bought the Paleo Diet book this weekend, I have to eat gluten free, so thought the Paleo diet would be worth a try.

    I'm gluten-free as well and feel great on a no-grain diet. I hope you do too. Good luck!