What works for you, to avoid giving up on your diet.



  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I log in my diary every day. I keep looking at before pictures and take progress pics to help me realize how far I have come. I tend to get a little obsessed with weight loss and such..but to me....it is either all in or nothing. I tend to lose track when I don't submerge myself in weightloss talk.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    What works
    - no food type restriction, portion control (ie dividing the plate)
    - setting a non-diet goal ie I tried the 50 mile challenge
    - regular but not overblown exercise- exercise is me time but shouldn't take away from family time.
    - throwing out overgrown clothes (I thrift)
    - checking out other people's successes
    - looking at icky shots of me last year- I really wish they didn't exist

    Where I struggle- I lapsed really badly
    - after dinner snacking habit
    - savoury junk food in the house - I can't have it here AT ALL.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    What works for me is eating as I normally eat, only at a slight deficit so that I lose about half a pound a week. That gives me enough food so that I'm rarely hungry, don't have to give anything up, and have energy for my work outs. And when I go to maintenance, it will be only a few hundred calorie bump, so I won't have to eat drastically differently from the way I'm eating now.

    I also have to keep active, which isn't hard since I started running year-round (I used to take summers off because I hate the heat, but starting in 2011 began making myself continue so that I could keep my fitness up and get closer to my running goals). I strongly encourage everyone to find some sort of exercise they like and can stick to for life, whether it's walking, running, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, dancing, hiking, skating, climbing...etc. etc. It's often said that you can't out-exercise a bad diet, but having exercise calories to eat back makes life a lot more pleasant--not to mention the benefits to your heart, energy levels, sense of well-being, strength, immune system, and all the other wonderful things you get from regular exercise.

    I haven't run into a lot of pitfalls. I lost the bulk of my weight two years ago, then maintained within a few pounds until I decided to lose more in January of this year, so I came into this with the confidence that what I'm doing works. It worked last time, it's working this time, so I totally trust the process. Doesn't mean it still isn't frustrating to not see the scale move for a week or two, but I know not to freak out and to just be patient. It will move again. It always does.
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    Weekly weigh ins and measurements. Seeing even the slightest improvement gives a huge boost.

    Stockpiling healthy, low cal recipes so if I get hungry, I have no excuse to not make something beneficial.

    I always record my binges, but not all in one day. I spread that intake throughout the week. Seeing one day of a ridiculous amount of calories kills any motivation I have, stressing me out and making the situation worse. Then the next day, my calorie limit resets and I might be inclined to overeat again (usually out of defeat). If I record fractions of the intake on separate days, it makes it less overwhelming to look at. Then if I feel like treating myself, I say, "Oh, you see? You already had a 1/2 cup of M&M's a couple days ago, so keep yourself in check today." I don't know if this is recommended or not, but I find it easier to cope with and I don't lose motivation.

    I also set milestone rewards, such as going to Disney once I reach 123 or teeth whitening once I reach 126. Choose things you desperately want. I prefer to do things more on the pricier side because it gives time to save up the money and it feels so rewarding.

    I also set myself little treats like this. Usually, new dresses, hairdo, new pair of shoes.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I have a few clothing items that were to small. I try them on weekly to see how close I am to fitting them. working on one now.. they are ok but not yet for public viewing.
  • Mosley35
    Mosley35 Posts: 31 Member
    I like to read other people weight loss success stories. That help keep me motivated