what time do you jog/run?

I have to wait till after dark(9:00PM) or get up at 5:00 am to run because i am to embarrassed to run any other time.
plus did anyone else experience getting laughed at because your over weight and jogging/running i get it all the time and it sucks.


  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Whenever I feel like it. No really. Whenever I say to myself that I'm off for a run now.

    Even when I was fat I'd go whenever I wanted. Stuff being embarrassed. If people gave me looks it was because I was doing more than they were. Even now I get looks.
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    i explained to one of my friends who was embarrased to run in public.

    1. why do you care what a passing stranger thinks?
    2. how does a stranger know how far youve run?
    3. unless their running past you, your doing better then they are.
    4. when you see someone running, what do you think?
    5.most people who stare are thinking is exactly what you are.

    their thinking, i wish i could do more running, if they can do it, why cant i. Feel like the inspiration you are dont create their reaction in your head, i can gurantee only a very small minority criticise someones exercise and those people arent worth your time of day!!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Yeah....I have people honk and cat call when I run and it sucks. I usually put on sunglasses and earbud headphones so that I can avoid looking at people and they won't know it, and so I don't have to hear them. Yesterday I ran without headphones for the first time in awhile and regretted it.

    I can't wait 'til dark, because I'm in a "bad" neighborhood.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I remember when I was walking back from one of my walking trips (they can be from 6km to 30+km a day) I saw a fat woman running...... all I had was admiration for her & actually clapped as she ran towards me. I was so proud of her, even though she was slower than I run...cause that matters nothing to me cause she is at least doing it.

    She looked at me like I was killing someone & actually gave me a nasty look. I was so proud to see her running & I didn't give a crap how big she was. I was just so proud she was out there.
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    I remember when I was walking back from one of my walking trips (they can be from 6km to 30+km a day) I saw a fat woman running...... all I had was admiration for her & actually clapped as she ran towards me. I was so proud of her, even though she was slower than I run...cause that matters nothing to me cause she is at least doing it.

    She looked at me like I was killing someone & actually gave me a nasty look. I was so proud to see her running & I didn't give a crap how big she was. I was just so proud she was out there.

  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    i explained to one of my friends who was embarrased to run in public.

    1. why do you care what a passing stranger thinks?
    2. how does a stranger know how far youve run?
    3. unless their running past you, your doing better then they are.
    4. when you see someone running, what do you think?
    5.most people who stare are thinking is exactly what you are.

    their thinking, i wish i could do more running, if they can do it, why cant i. Feel like the inspiration you are dont create their reaction in your head, i can gurantee only a very small minority criticise someones exercise and those people arent worth your time of day!!

    I was going to post something similar but you worded it pretty damn well. I am an OK runner and when I see someone really big out there, all I have is admiration and I think to myself good on them! At least they are out there doing it.

    Stop being ashamed. Be ashamed if you chose not to run and sit on the sofa. Be proud if you put your shoes on and take on the outside world.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    I remember when I was walking back from one of my walking trips (they can be from 6km to 30+km a day) I saw a fat woman running...... all I had was admiration for her & actually clapped as she ran towards me. I was so proud of her, even though she was slower than I run...cause that matters nothing to me cause she is at least doing it.

    She looked at me like I was killing someone & actually gave me a nasty look. I was so proud to see her running & I didn't give a crap how big she was. I was just so proud she was out there.

    I get the sentiment. When I see an out of shape person running, I'm completely impressed. It takes major guts to get out there and change your life. But I would never, ever cheer. I think it could be perceived as condescending. You even refer to her as a "fat woman." I think a regular hello acknowledgement like you'd give any other runner is much, much more appreciated.

    To the OP, just get over it. I know that sounds easier said than done, but it really is. Who seriously cares what they think? The athletes are going to be proud of you. The aholes are going to have negative thoughts, and many people will wish they had your guts. At the end of your run, does it really matter what any of those people thought? What matters is that amazing feeling when you're coming to the end, and you know you did it.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I remember when I was walking back from one of my walking trips (they can be from 6km to 30+km a day) I saw a fat woman running...... all I had was admiration for her & actually clapped as she ran towards me. I was so proud of her, even though she was slower than I run...cause that matters nothing to me cause she is at least doing it.

    She looked at me like I was killing someone & actually gave me a nasty look. I was so proud to see her running & I didn't give a crap how big she was. I was just so proud she was out there.

    I get the sentiment. When I see an out of shape person running, I'm completely impressed. It takes major guts to get out there and change your life. But I would never, ever cheer. I think it could be perceived as condescending. You even refer to her as a "fat woman." I think a regular hello acknowledgement like you'd give any other runner is much, much more appreciated.

    To the OP, just get over it. I know that sounds easier said than done, but it really is. Who seriously cares what they think? The athletes are going to be proud of you. The aholes are going to have negative thoughts, and many people will wish they had your guts. At the end of your run, does it really matter what any of those people thought? What matters is that amazing feeling when you're coming to the end, and you know you did it.

    I refer fat people as fat people because that is what they are. I was a fat person, I'm now a skinny person & that is what I'm called. Simply as a woman is a woman because that is what she is. I do not hide behind the words that describe people. I guess I could have said she was a larger woman running....but fat was so much easier. Means the same thing.

    I had a massive smile on my face as I clapped, any moron could have seen I was trying to show her I was impressed & that she's doing a great job. But nope, I could have killed her dog for all the warmth I got.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I tend to run in the mornings just as a wake up mechanism for my body. I only been out of shape for a couple years as I battled serous heath problems and don't have issues with how people perceive my body. I do this for me and nobody else.

    If I do see someone running/walking fast and they happen to be overweight, I think its awesome. They are making a effort to better themselves for whatever reason. Some of them might be able to blow me away in a race ;).
  • siggakolla
    siggakolla Posts: 56 Member
    I run in the mornings because thats when i have the time :) Thankfully ive not experienced too much hassle from other people, i did have a kid shout "whale alert" as i ran passed, but i used that to get angry and run faster! find music that is inspiring, in the beginning i would use my anger towards the people that used to bully me as a kid as motivation run faster/longer. i kept thinking "ill show them!"

    And also remember that even hough somebody might be looking at you, they might be looking with admiration :)
  • latepaul
    latepaul Posts: 49 Member
    I've just started C25K and I'm finding the mornings are the best time, around 7am. I walk/run in the park and at that time there are only a few other folks around and they are mostly there for exercise too - walking, running, dogwalking. I'm not embarrassed although sometimes when I hit the end of one of my running segments and start walking and there's someone nearby I almost want to tell them that it's part of a plan and not just that I got fed up running at that point! :)
  • jwmd123
    jwmd123 Posts: 10
    I had a similar issue however mine was in terms of how far I could run. I was not some much worried about my appearance but more I could not run more than a couple of hundred yards without stopping or being out of breath.

    I ran on a treadmill for about 4 months until I felt I was at a level I was confident to run outside.
    Since then I have not looked back. Regularly do 5km runs and I always feel great for them.

    As long as you are confident don't care what anyone else thinks.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Is there somewhere in your town/city that other runners use, like a park or recreational trail? When I started running and was heavy, I got nothing but encouragement in places like that. I sort of miss it--now that I've lost weight, I never get people saying "Keep going!" or "Doing great!"
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I'm a pretty fast runner, but I wasn't always that way. I'm impressed with EVERY runner I see out there. I just love to see people running, no matter how fast they are going. I also am a timer for races, and it is fantastic to see the smiles on people's faces as they cross the finish line, from first place to last. They are all doing better than millions of people who sit around watching TV and eating snacks all day.

    My advice is to go where other runners are -- they will always be encouraging. Maybe some jerk driving by in his car won't encourage you, but runners will support ALL other runners.
  • I have to wait till after dark(9:00PM) or get up at 5:00 am to run because i am to embarrassed to run any other time.
    plus did anyone else experience getting laughed at because your over weight and jogging/running i get it all the time and it sucks.

    Dont be embarrassed, like what other posters have said - dont even think about what other people "may" be thinking of you. They may be thinking... "I should be doing that"

    I agree with Dave, go where other runners are, please dont place yourself in possible danger. I go to a metropark here in the Detroit area Saturday mornings, you would not believe the number of people out jogging, biking, walking at 9 am! And every single one of them are encouraging and supportive of other runners, its amazing. I am by NO means a fit and excellent runner, I did 6 miles at a 4.5 pace. Every person I passed either said Good Morning! or Great Job! And everyone smiles.

    .....maybe they were giving out crack somewhere that day and I missed it....
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member

    I had a massive smile on my face as I clapped, any moron could have seen I was trying to show her I was impressed & that she's doing a great job. But nope, I could have killed her dog for all the warmth I got.

    Did you do it for her or for you? Because you're taking hr response as a personal insult, and that's really weird. I just told you why you may not have received that accolades you desired for cheering on the "fat woman" who could have been a "moron." Geez. No wonder the OP is worried about what people think.

    Back on topic to the OP. I'm a new runner. I went out on a popular trail around the bay this am, and as I was coming around the bend in the last 3.5 miles, there was a freaking class or something of about 100 people (of course I snapped a pic!). I just ran on by sweaty, nippy (eek!) and probably bad form. I checked out a few cute guys as I ran by. ;-) You just cannot let your mind wander about what people are thinking. I wasn't the first chick to run by, and I surely wasn't the last.
  • IamDoe
    IamDoe Posts: 24
    I hit the street at 5:30. Nobody around but me, pandora, and fields of corn. This may change as the corn grows bigger. I have a fear of Malachi....
  • Lizsullie
    Lizsullie Posts: 70 Member
    I used to be a little embarrassed about running around my neighborhood and once told my boyfriend that I felt I looked stupid. He asked- have you EVER looked at somebody running and thought to yourself "they look so stupid"?

    That shut me up. I have nothing but admiration for anyone out running. Now I go anytime it suits me and anywhere.