i know they say stomach fat is last to go but come on!



  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    People can react to foods in a lot of different ways, and you may not even realize there is an issue until you remove it from your diet. Start eliminating things that can be reactive for you one at a time and see if it makes a difference. For example cut out all dairy for two weeks if you notice a change great if not, try peanuts, and other legumes. Move to gluten (keep in mind wheat is not the only place gluten happens, and it is hidden in a lot of products) It might not be gluten it may just be Wheat b/c wheat is so genetically modified your body has trouble digesting it, and this can cause issues. Even some health carbohydrates can cause reactions (sweet potatoes although very yummy can be an issue for some people) You really need to play around with foods, and see what make you happy, and what makes you sluggish, and puffy. If you listen to your body it will tell you what it does not like. Puffiness, sluggishness, bowel issues, grumbling, gas :blushing: , nausea, ect.)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Another issue the people face that causes people to not get abs or tight stomach... NOT ENOUGH MUSCLE. Generally, those who are at the lower end of the acceptable weight scale for your height have this issue. If you do not have enough muscle, it will be hard to get abs. In many case people need to add 10-20 lbs of muscle to get that lean and tight body. It sucks but it's reality (as shown below).

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Save for later.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friend, I'm very similar:
    SW: 146
    CW: 143
    GW: 130

    I am active (jogging/walking/riding horses/boot camp classes/zumba), have been in the same 10 lb range for a long time, and my stomach is always the WORST issue!! These three things are the only ones that have given me real changes:

    1. Low carb (NOT no carb, just cut processed carbs out, still include small amounts of oatmeal and sweet potatoes and starchy veggies, but no crap carbs).
    2. Zumba with weights: I spent a few months doing the toning video with added weights (first the 1lb, then 2lb, then 3, then 5lb), all of the core moves with added weight challenge + cardio really helped! My stomach was the flattest it has been in years! I also cut down on processed carbs and was doing cardio with interval training (hiking some days, jogging up and down hills, sprints and long walks mixed in).
    3. Consider your diet ratio of protein to carbs to fats, for me, I have the best results when the carb and protein ratio are balanced and my fats come from things like avocados, greek yogurt, nuts, olive oil......

    Anyone else with helpful advice I'd love some too! Stubborn last 10 lbs and belly pooch are SUPER RUDE!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Rachface, something that can help you is use zumba for your cardio days and then do real weight training for strength days. With zumba you aren't lifting much more than an average purse. Go do a program like strong lift 5x5 or nrolfw or nerd fitness beginner lift. Also, a small deficit is greatly beneficial so your body has enough energy supply. This will also mitigate muscle loss so all your weight loss is fat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you have ruled out medical reasons then I suggest doing a cleanse. That is what started getting my belly to shrink. I did the master cleanse for 10 days. Very hard to complete (day 1-3 are the worst) but worth it.

    just no ...

    please don't do this...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just curious are you doing any ab workouts? The master cleanse was a great boost for me. For the last 10 you need to lose or the first it's great! on day 7 and down -11.2 so far.

    sorry but its all water weight and once the "master cleanse" (whatever the hell that is) is over then the water weight will come back ...

    I look forward to you "i gained back ten pounds, help! " thread...
  • deidrej66
    deidrej66 Posts: 3
    First, congratulations on what you have accomplished so far! You have a lot to be proud of. I too see that the fat on my stomach is taking longer to go away although there has definitely been progress. I think diet has a lot to do with it. Have you tried limiting refined sugar from your diet? I think if you can reduce or eliminate refined sugars and white carbs you will see some improvement in terms of looking less bloated which may give you the encouragement you need to keep at the exercising and eating right.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Rachface, something that can help you is use zumba for your cardio days and then do real weight training for strength days. With zumba you aren't lifting much more than an average purse. Go do a program like strong lift 5x5 or nrolfw or nerd fitness beginner lift. Also, a small deficit is greatly beneficial so your body has enough energy supply. This will also mitigate muscle loss so all your weight loss is fat.

    Thanks friend! I've been wondering about heavy weight lifting, my boot camp type classes are more circuit training/cardio intervals, but I'm a little intimidated by heavy weights.... Will research classes in my area. Do you mean only a small calorie deficit? Am overwhelmed with the diff opinions between using mfp's recommendations, TDEE - 20%, or meeting your macros.... the only solid thing I know is that for my body I have to very carefully manage my processed carbs....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Rachface, something that can help you is use zumba for your cardio days and then do real weight training for strength days. With zumba you aren't lifting much more than an average purse. Go do a program like strong lift 5x5 or nrolfw or nerd fitness beginner lift. Also, a small deficit is greatly beneficial so your body has enough energy supply. This will also mitigate muscle loss so all your weight loss is fat.

    Thanks friend! I've been wondering about heavy weight lifting, my boot camp type classes are more circuit training/cardio intervals, but I'm a little intimidated by heavy weights.... Will research classes in my area. Do you mean only a small calorie deficit? Am overwhelmed with the diff opinions between using mfp's recommendations, TDEE - 20%, or meeting your macros.... the only solid thing I know is that for my body I have to very carefully manage my processed carbs....

    1 lb or less deficit or 20% less than TDEE. If you do the MFP way, then you should eat back at least 50% of your exercise calories.. Or just PM me and I can set you up.
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    For what it's worth- if you have any food intolerances at all, you may want to be checked for IBS/ fructose malabsorption by your Dr. I had the same problem, and once I went on the FODMAP protocol to eliminate foods that were causing me issues, I lost 6 inches off my belly in 3 days. It was all water and gas. I wasn't necessarily painful all the time. IBS isn't always as painful when you're younger; it certainly has me much more symptomatic now.

    I'm not saying that you have or don't have this or any other issue; just eliminate metabolic problems as something that may be occurring if you're having so much trouble.

    And there's no way to spot-reduce certain fat areas. IT just takes time, heavy lifting to reduce your overall fat %, good clean food and patience. Women are predisposed to carrying fat here and it's the last place to leave.
  • Swissabroad
    25 year old Female
    SW: 157
    CW: 134
    GW: 124
    Daily calories 1400
    x4 exercise classes per week; body pump, spinning, kettlebell and body step (plus 30 day shred dvd done at home)

    My stomach fat will not budge, i know they say it's patience and usually the last to go but i'm getting really fed up and worried that i'm going to have it forever (my dad has a large belly too)

    my top half from my boobs upwards is great, i have the nice new lovely slim and toned arms, i can see my colar bone and shoulders and i like what i see there, my face is nice and slim, the bottom part of my legs are nice but my inner thigh is still quite flabby and my behind needs a little bit more work but my belly!!

    I've never had a flat tummy, since i can remember when i was young i have always hidden it away because of the rolls of fat and the size of it and the podge is still there.

    From the back i look slim and in good shape, from the front, i look pregnant.

    Did i just need to carry on doing what i am doing and it will eventually come off or will i always be stuck with this? it's because i've never known for it be flat i'm scared it never will be and quite frankly, i do not have the money for surgery!

    Hi I have the same problem and have tried anything possible and impossible over years. Nothing really worked.
    But I started Insanity Workout 6 days ago and am already now seeing first results! It's mind blowing, I never lost belly fat at such a speed.

    I'm on a mobile device now so not able to upload my before and after photos here, but check my first post in the forum I posted the results of only 5 days of training there.

    The program is extremely tough - it deserves the name insane. But it is the first thing that really works to lose that stubborn belly fat I had all my life.