Emotional non-eaters?

1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
For lack of a better term, emotional non-eaters. Feel free to offer a better way of saying it. Anyhoo, the people who are emotional eaters are plenty. People who eat because they are depressed, lonely, stressed etc.... I tend to do the opposite. When my feelings get all stirred up my appetite just goes on vacation. I am sure this can have a negative impact on my body, but when I am depressed, angry, stressed, worried etc... I just can't force the food down. It's like my throat just closes up or something. Who else is this true for? What have you done to over come it?


  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I feel this way at times as well. I thought it was more of a punishment to myself (self inflicted). I get myself so worked up/sad/anxious that I just do not want to eat. On a bad day, I just punish myself by not eating because of various reasons. It is an ED for me, but yours sounds more like nerves/anxiety.

    Tried therapy?
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I did once try therapy, and I did speak with my primary care dr and my ob/gyn when I was pregnant. They always say it's normal for some people and just not to worry about it. I wouldn't normally worry about it too much, but lately there is so much going on with my family and it has me on such a roller coaster. Naturally, I know I can't do a thing about anything that goes on in other peoples lives, but when children are suffering as a result of their parents stupidity that just eats away at me. I find it hard to eat when everything gets crazy. I don't go binging when my appetite returns, but I do lose water weight during and it just comes right back, which does worry me. I would hate to think that this could be damaging me in some way.
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    Wow...and I thought I was the only one.

    People talk about 'comfort foods' for me, a comfort food is to not eat, anything. And enjoy being hungry. Something about that hunger pain takes my mind off what ever is upsetting me.

    The problem, of course, is that this is not optimal if you are going to work out an hour/2 hours a day. And are hypoglycemic. And are prone to blood sugar crashes.

    So sometimes, I have to fight through that need for non-eating, and just make myself eat something bland

    Thanks for sharing