Feeling Discouraged over Gain

With the weather finally getting better in Northwest Canada, it's FINALLY lovely for exercising outside. I bought a bike, and started riding - sometimes more than 10k a day! I'm going walking and hiking with friends. I did an outdoors exercise class.

I also gained three and a half pounds.

I've been meticulously watching what I eat 90% of the time. I am drinking liter upon liter of water. I've exercised so much that my muscles are screaming... And yet, day after day for almost a week... A little bit extra climbs onto the scale with me in the morning.

I know it's not muscle. That's not physiologically possible... 3.5 lbs of muscle takes a long time.

I want - oh hell do I want - to believe it is water weight. But would it still be going up a week later?

That number on the scale makes me want to quit. My personal goal is to be able to bike 25k by the end of the summer, and I'm going to continue to work towards that.... But it's so easy to say " eff it, my diet isn't working anyway";
