My calorie intake is les s than it recomends is this ok

sakitchens Posts: 37 Member
My calorie intake is 1560 a day i have a hard time getting to that amount most days. I never eat my excersie calories. I have diebietes and am watching my carbs and my calories. I sometimes eat less calorie and less carb items because they are healthier. I lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. Am I loosing to fast? I do not want to loose to fast and not keep it up. I do eat things that are unhealthy once in awhile. I do however limit the amount to a very small portion so I get the taste of it but o not eat alot. I used to eat icecream almost every night. I have not had any in about 3 weeks. Could this be the reason why? I just want to make sure I loose the weight the healthy way. I was told by my doctor that I had 6 weeks to fix my blood sugars or I would be going on insulyn. Since then I have my sugars under control. I am not starving myself and I eat alot during the day. I just am not sure if I am doing this right. Any feed back would be great. Thanks!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just make sure you are getting 1200 cals a day including your exercise calories. If you only eat 1200, burn 600 in exercise and not eat them, then you're only feeding your body 600 cals. It's not a good idea.
    I'm diabetic as well. Feel free to check my diary any time :)
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    Personally, if you are over 40 then I wouldn't worry about eating your exercise cals. When you get older you need less anyway no matter what the experts say. If you feel good, GO with it!- If you feel weak or tired then revise what you are doing. Besides, it won't be that way every day- there will be days you eat more whether you like it or not.....:happy:
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey, Just make sure you do not go under 1200 calories per day. You need those to maintain the body. God Bless, brenda