Finally getting motivated

Hi. I downloaded this app in January but am now just starting to use it. I'm in my early 40s and need to lose 25 - 30 lbs. After having my second daughter ( 8 years ago) I never got down to my pre-baby weight. Over the years, I've put on the pounds and lost motivation for exercise.
For the past two years I've tried to lose the weight but have not been determined enough. The result - I would take off five pounds and within a couple months I'd put on 8. I want to feel better, I want to be healthier and I want to look better. I'm tired of being embarrassed by the extra weight. BUT - motivation and commitment has been incredibly difficult. Feel free to friend me - I would love to create a network of people where we can help encourage each other and keep each other motivated.


  • udderlyfantastic
    udderlyfantastic Posts: 27 Member

    I just joined nearly two weeks ago and desperately want to lose all my excess weight once and for all. I have a long way to go and I really want to be in it for the long haul. I have never joined a group like this before, mainly because of embarrassment at trying to explain the reason for my being so overweight, but I have to say, so far it has been incredibly motivational. I greatly enjoy the challenge of trying to create new dishes that fall within my daily requirements and also the excellent support I have received from other users. I have found that giving support to others too, is often as helpful as receiving it. If you need a friend, please add me. I will be quite happy for you to contact me at anytime and give support if I can. I guess that I should say that I'm 53, very overweight, have health issues and live in the UK. I have logged in everyday since joining and I am very committed to succeeding in my quest.i sincerely hope that you will receive what you are hoping for from joining MFP and I wish you every success. Xx