Higher calorie breakfast or lunch?

rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
Hi everyone,

I have been going back and forth on this topic for what seems like a while. I'm not clear if it's "better" to eat a larger meal for breakfast or lunch. By larger meal, I mean more calories, not the actual size. Sometimes whats better for me is a higher calorie breakfast and other times its lunch. It varies day by day as well as my activity level.

What do you guys do and do you feel this helps curb off hunger?

Appreciative of any feedback :)



  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    My breakfast is usually the lightest of the day. I'm usually running around a lot at work, etc. so it keeps my mind off of snacking, etc.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    It depends on where you need the energy. Some will argue breakfast is better becuase it kickstarts your metabolism, others will argue timing doesn't matter in terms of total metabolic effect.

    But for me I work out after work, arond 6-6:30. If I ate a huge breakfast and a small lunch I wouln't have the energy for my workout.