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WTF is wrong with me???



  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    With me, it really helps to log the food after I eat it. Knowing the number of calories, the lack of nutrition, etc. generally makes me unwilling to do it again. I ate 10 cups of popcorn this week and I did not enjoy seeing that number pop up! However, no matter what, temptation will always crop up. Also, don't discount relationship stress, it is one of the most difficult stresses I've ever encountered. Try to have a friend to talk to when times get tough.
  • I feel you girl!!! What has been helping me is self talk and doing the following:

    (1) asking myself "how does this food serve me?"
    (2) Asking myself: "Are you hungry enough to eat an apple?" (Pollen)
    (3) Taking three deep breaths --sounds practical but when we are stressed we don't breath correctly.
    (4) reminding myself each morning and before bed of my goals (seeing pictures, rexaming mini goals)
    (5) making sure i've drank at least 4 glasses of water by noon so I can meet my 8 glasses
    (6) distract my mind--- obsess about something other than my emotional situation and do something that will empower me (ie. somethign that will bring you closer to your weight loss goal, a mini errand, self love (pampering yourself)
    (7) last but not least--prayer!!

    Hope this helps, got you in prayers.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I know for me personally its about getting on a kick for cravings. For example, I might go 3 weeks eating perfectly clean healthy foods...but then I might have something on a weekend that makes me go off track (a kids birthday party or something with lots of cake and ice cream). I do allow myself treats, I am not that strict with myself...BUT once I do have it, I feel almost like I have to ween back off the sweets again. Last night I had chocolate frozen yogurt (hey, still better than ice cream) and ALL day today I have been fighting going to the vending machine for MORE chocolate. In a few days I will be fine. So maybe, just cut it cold turkey and be MISERABLE for a few days...but then in a few days or weeks you won't be thinking about it as much.

    Plus I am pretty sure donuts have a drug associated with them as they are the ONLY thing I can't say NO to!! :blushing:
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Sometimes binging comes from habit like if I pass by Ingles there is always that iced croissant calling my name. I have found that if I go in there and get one then I automatically toss half of it in the trash on the way out the door and then eat the rest of it and enjoy.....otherwise I know myself and I KNOW I will eat it. If you restrict your food too much and only eat super healthy limiting your healthy fats that can cause a binge. Best wishes to you and there is a group on here that has a thread each month-"Me vs The Binge" that is great for accountability as well.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Fake it til you make it, as they say.

    Force yourself to stay in control by only keeping with you what you need to eat for the day. Work through the cravings. Start or continue researching the harmful effects of *excess* processed sugar and saturated fat in the diet. Continue to log and stay within your calorie limits.

    This is a very *real* way of "faking" it, but if you can stay on track for a while, it will get easier with time, and before long, you will have "made it" to the point where you are in control of the cravings and the cravings/compulsions aren't in control of you. I am at the point where I can have 1/2 a cup of ice cream (painfully small amount) without needing tons more, or even a small piece of chocolate without going back to the store for more candy bars (even though I really, really want to). Some days are better than others. You can do it!
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    I have the same issues as you do so I totally relate. I didn't think I ate out of emotion either until I asked myself yesterday why are you feeling like an eating machine today? is there anything out of order that is different from the usual? I said yes it was a chaotic morning with trying to get my daughter to go to school and lots of company being out of the normal routine. I am starting to blog about any trigger points I find along the way and its already helping me.
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    I'm unhappy with my weight! I'm semi unhappy in my relationship but how would I know or how would I tell if I'm using food to "cope" I don't feel like I am...

    Are you in a high pressure job? Maybe you cope with the stress by overeating.
  • Misha6
    Misha6 Posts: 17 Member
    Your diary is closed, but how many calories do you eat per day? I always make bad decisions and give into sweets (when I don't even really like sweets that much) when it's been too long since I ate/ I am really low on my calories for the day.
  • Sav_Sky
    Sav_Sky Posts: 82
    I always thought a bored eater was not an emotional eater BUT being bored IS an emotion. When were bored we feel kinda down and not exactly the happiest, right? Maybe that could be just me. I was a bored eater too and it gets real boring sometimes. I have come to realise about myself.

    Also, I just tried to eat a little slower to get the satisfaction from smaller portions. I used to binge before doing this. Now I come to realise I was not exactly feeling satisfied because I ate all of the delicious food REALLY FAST. I try to put down my fork while chewing and pay attention to the taste. There is nothing wrong with you, I think you just need some time and practice and recondition yourself. EAT SLOWER get satisfied! ~ Good Luck :)
  • tonihayden
    tonihayden Posts: 67
    I cannot bring a box/bag/container of anything to work because i will eat it all and i attribute this to how boring my job is and i an chained to my desk all day long..so if there is food around..i eat it....how do you feel about your job?
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Self control get's easier with time and practice. Don't forget Rome wasn't built in a day
  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    I'm like that too. If I have a whole bag of chips or a box of cookies then I will continuously eat them. I have learned to not buy those items and if I do have them, definitely portion it out. Allow yourself to have a bit at a time - it sounds like you already recognize that.

    Also keep healthy snacks nearby helps. It might sound over the top but it keeps me on track - have an idea of what you're going to eat throughout the day and plan ahead of time. I actually use a lunch bag regularly and keep my foods in there. I might look odd, but it helps in the end! And it saves money.


    Habits are as hard to make as they are to break!

    I took away the spindle of lollies in my office (yes, seriously) and replaced it with a fruit bowl I replenish every Monday.

    A harsher version .... give yourself pocket money!
  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    I am just like you. I am perfectly happy in my marriage. I like my job, just boring. If I have a lot of something at my desk, I eat it. I'm bored, it's good, so why not? I once bought a 6 pack of peanut bars from walmart to have one a day (before I was eating better) and ate all 6 between lunch and time to go home. Was I sad? No. What I upset in any way? No. They were just super yummy and I wanted them. That's all it boils down to for me. I just know that I can't limit myself, so I don't give myself the temptation of having multiple servings at my disposal.
  • Hotapplepie35
    Hotapplepie35 Posts: 7 Member
    LOL I am the same way, it just depends on how i am feeling so my emotions plays a big role in my diet .
  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    Suff your face with egg whites (cooked of course) before you head out the door. The protein even helps us emotional eaters.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Another obvious question: why are you eating breakfast at work or in the car and not at home?

    Also, you classified your two donut episode as a binge, but I daresay it does not mean you have binge eating disorder. Binge eaters can polish off *thousands* of calories in a single sitting, hoard foods, etc., etc.

    Finally, this may be helpful:

  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    I have not read every comment but it comes down to will power. The store you bought the doughnut at, was there a yogurt and granola option? or was there a pack of nuts or trail mix at the gas station? Sometimes you need to use your will power and buy the healthier option even though its not what you feel like eating. Once you buy that healthy item and get in your car and start driving the only choice you have is to eat that or leave it until you get to work. when you feel an impulse situation like that take a step back for a minute. or if you bought it and are feeling guilty walking out the door, throw it in the garbage, lock yourself in your car and start driving. it sounds crazy but those are the only tips that help me.
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    There's nothing wrong with you! Look at all the responses you have received from strong and successful women who have been there, done that.

    I also struggle with this and things that I find help are:

    1. Pre-log the food you intend to binge on. I quickly realize that the bag of crisps and bottle of wine I want to devour (and pizza...delicious pizza) is more calories than I should consume in a day and I just know it is NOT worth it.

    2. I think of how quickly the food would be gone. The pleasure in the taste would be SO fleeting that I surely don't need it.

    3. I keep healthy alternatives available. Sometimes we just want to snack or our bodies might be giving us hunger signals, so I keep single serving bags of mixed nuts around and apples or even toast. Worst case scenario is that I then go over a few hundred on healthier snacks rather than 1000+ over on fat and all that other stuff.

    4. I realize I start to enjoy these 'treats' more and value having them more, e.g. pizza on a Friday night dinner date out (rather than alone in front of the TV!).

    5. Convince yourself that you can and could go eat whatever you want right now. No one is going to stop you from stuffing your face with every food you can imagine. You are the only one who is stopping you...but you can get out of your own way right now and start to feel better asap!

    Good luck xx

    P.S. Note to self: Must refer back to this thread when my own cravings become overwhelming!!!
    AMANDAJOY1104 Posts: 36 Member
    i can relate to this 100%. for me food makes me feel good when i eat and im never satisfied with eating just one of something. sometimes its so good ill eat it all even if im full just because it tastes that good. like you, im unhappy with my weight and u would think that would stop me from eating so much but it doesnt. sometimes i dont want the healthy snack option, sometimes i dont want a salad. i want to pig out on chipotle and chocolate chip cookies all day. these things make me feel good but if i want to change the way i look i have to stop this behavior. people who dont have this addiction wont understand. its going to take time and u can do it and when u reach your goal u will never turn back

    You nailed it, this is me. :)
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I'm not convinced that it's emotional eating... Maybe it is... Why do I eat?

    I'm going to focus on only eating when I'm truly hungry. Sometimes I just eat because something looks good and I know it's gonna taste sooo good! Like a donut or cookie or cake...

    I know I eat when I'm bored... I don't think that's "emotional" tho...

    How do I stop the cravings? When I am actually hungry I want something dense that will fill my stomach. Not an apple... When I wake up in the morning I'm hungry and I crave carbs!!

    I'm rambling...

    One thing that helped me stop the habit of eating when I'm bored is drinking water, a LOT of water. When I wake up in the morning I drink a big glass first thing, like 16oz, then I drink another glass right before I start eating breakfast. This not only fills you up and keeps you hydrated but can help with digestion, and the glass right in the morning and before bed can help your organs.

    I also always drink water when I think I'm hungry. A big glass then wait at least 15 minutes and if you're still hungry you'll really feel it and know it's time to eat. I also always drink when I'm eating unless I can't for whatever reason.

    This might not solve your problem, but it's one thing to do as you adjust to your new diet routine.