So discouraged after weighing in



  • jenniferchlebik
    Hi, there
    I understand your frustration. Right now, though, just nurse. Nursing in itself burns around 500 cals a day, depending on how much. Just feed your baby, and relax. I went through the same thing. Relax and know that you are doing the best thing ever for your baby. If you focus on weight loss while nursing by cutting/counting calories it could mess with your milk supply. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have time.

    she is 8 months old now
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    If I lost 11 lbs in 1 week, I would expect to gain 10 the next week. Hang in there and set some realistic goals. :smile: Hint: half a lb to 2 lbs lost in a week is realistic, 10 lbs in a week is not realistic.
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I started using herbalife every other day for a week and lost 11 lbs I wasn't even trying to lose the weight I just thought the shakes were good and they gave me energy. Losing that made me feel like i really could get the weight off ( I'm 5'3 156 with three kids ) So I decided to step it up and I am doing herbalife every day for breakfast and low fat low cal high protein diet for the rest of the day averaging about 1300 -1400 cal a day ( I'm breastfeeding cant really go much lower without jeopardizing my milk) and Im walking 20-45 min a day and doing the 30 day shred daily I weighed myself today thinking I lost another 10 lbs with all the hard work im doing and I only lost 1/2 a lb I want to cry!
    I get overwhelmed really easy i think that's why I didn't try before but losing that 11 lbs made me feel like I could do it now I just feel like Ill never get there and don't understand what Im doing wrong.

    Am I understanding this correctly that you lost 11 lbs in a week? If I am then it is completely normal to only have a 1/2 lb the next week. IT is not normal to loose 10 lbs a week many people do their first week on a weight loss plan but then it evens out to be about 2 lbs a week. Don't change anything rash don't give up just change your expectations you can't expect to loose 10 lbs every week that is no healthy for anyone.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    One thing to consider in weight fluctuations is water. If someone is drinking say, 128 oz of water a day at +/- 1lb per Pint, that's 8 lbs of water you're moving through your body every day.

    Some foods help move more out. Some foods will help you hang on to water. Sure you saw .5 lb on the scale, but in terms of the 8lbs of liquid moving through the system, the scale number might have less to do with your "real" weight than it does catching you at a particular state in terms of water.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    do measurements not the scale. you will see a difference.

    I agree here - I've found over the years that when my weight remains the same the body measurements are adjusting. I've been at my same weight now going on 3 weeks. I too do the herbal life shakes and lost 4 pounds (after already losing 1 - 2 # a week) in my first week of using them. Give it time and try not to let the scale rule you. :flowerforyou:
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Breastfeeding alone can burn 500 cals a day so for your baby's health and your health eat more food..ofcourse healthy and try one day of strength training and then walk 30 to 40 mins a can burn yourself out. It's about the long haul not the simple fast weight loss..remember your awesome you can do this : ) heck you manage three kids your a hero.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I'm confused...are you taking supplements while breast feeding? Is that safe?

    My only guess would be to make sure you're getting enough healthy fats (for brain function).. eat your daily amount of protein..maybe up your carbs??

    I don't know what kind of work outs you are doing..

    I have a nutritionist friend I could refer you to.

    Im only doing there formula1 meal shake and vitamin supplements no weight loss accelerators while breastfeeding.

    Oh ok.. makes sense. I think what it really comes down to is what your eating and what types of work outs you are doing.. Other than that..I'm stumped. I wish I had a better answer.
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    Look at the averages, not just what the scale says in one week. Do I have this right - you are 11.5 pounds down after two weeks? If so, that's over 5 pounds lost per week. I would guess you really hadn't lost that whole 11 pounds the first week - maybe you had lost water weight, etc. I know you're discouraged, but you shouldn't be. Be in it for life, not for the number on the scale from one week to the next. I do agree with others who suggested that you think about getting off the herbalife and eating a balanced diet of real food instead, and that you should probably consume more calories while you're breastfeeding.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I incorporated HIIT after hitting my weight loss plateau in addition to upping my calories by 50-100. I also regularly eat two bowls of yogurt a day and I lost 0.25 inches on my waistline, which is a HUGE deal for me. Hope this helps ladies. :smile:

    what is HIIT
    High-intensity interval training, to the googles! :)

    Your diary is not public, so we can't see what you're eating/exercising, but for most people upping their calories seems to help bust a plateau too. Measuring is good though, and a much better view of what you're losing, especially if you're leaning up muscle, since pd for pd it weighs the same, but on you, it's so much different.