BMR is 2078
TDEE 2875

Method used:


797/2=398.5 (399)

2078+399=2477 calories I should consume a day

Does this mean I need to burn 399 cal per workout session?

Light Activity Method:


I just want to know how many calories I should burn (without eating them back) on a daily basis so I can lose weight. I'm so confused.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    TDEE takes in to account your exercise depending on which level of activity you picked. You should be taking TDEE - 20% and you don't eat back any exercise calories. The 20% deficit will take care of your weight loss but you have to be honest with your choice of activity level and not put down that you are very active when your exercise is a stroll around the block.

    An easier choice to get started is to let MFP pick your numbers for you. Enter all your info, set a realistic loss per week goal and go with that.
  • coopere6838
    coopere6838 Posts: 16 Member
    The light activity method provided my TDEE as 2875 @ 20%. That just seems like too many calories, but MFP is set at 1600 and often times I'm still hungry. I have three 45 minutes session per week and I burn 2-300 calories per session. I eat some of them back but not all. I guess I'll give it a try...